List ideas to build the upcoming Mandrakelinux 10.1 distribution.
Add your name for each idea to be able to discuss with you if needed.
Suggestion |
Status |
For core install (glibc, kernel, base utilities), disk image copy instead of rpm install (as Lindows does) for faster install (RickyNgAdam) |
no |
Ability to read release notes during install ( Bug #7205) (RickyNgAdam) |
in progress |
Enhance community awareness ( Bug #2564) (RickyNgAdam) |
maybe later |
Configuration moved to first boot ( (RickyNgAdam). It this really a good idea? It means that a server deployment may require X just to be able to set the time zone, which is overkill (BuchanMilne). |
no |
Change the boot loading model : DrakeBootFriendly. Now [extipl V5] has a nice interface (VincentPanel) |
maybe later |
Keep lilo as default bootloader. (illogicAl) |
done |
Use Grub as Default Bootloader (with framebuffer patch for prettiness) (logical) |
maybe later |
Better integration of autologin screen (DavidBaudens) |
probably not |
Redraw package's groups window (DavidBaudens) |
in progress |
Improve configuration of system time (show `hwclock --show` and explain reasons for storing it in UTC or local, show the effects of the choices made and make sure the entire system will use the same time settings.) (SimonOosthoek) |
maybe later |
UML installation support. Only a tiny bit of work needs to be added in supporting the "uml_install" kernel boot argument. As show on this page (, it is possible to do (without ugly hacking). Essentially, the installer needs to have checks for uml_install, which would prevent it from auto-loading various modules, and allow for /dev/ubd* devices to be added to the pool of hard-disks for installation on. (SunnyDubey) |
maybe later |
Add a "Back" Button to make it possible to go back in the installation procedure. (FrankKoester). This was intentionally removed during the GTK2 re-write, as there were too many scenarios to consider and the installer could get confused (BuchanMilne). |
maybe later |
And what about a "Cancel" button to abort installation and reboot the computer? ( |
probably not |
Detect laptops and configure accordingly (fewer daemons, more hotplug, battery use minimization, battery status applet by default in KDE/GNOME) (AustinActon) |
in progress |
Detect tablet PC's and install appropriate apps (GOK, gournal, grandr, an on-screen keyboard for gdm) (AustinActon) |
probably not |
More friendly updates applying. At the end of installation, Users can specific medias other than Internet as source of update, such as an extra update CD, hd or even local network(if network-install is issued). The specific source should be added as update source if required by user. Some people have no or slow access to the internet. Some people install mdk while offline. |
in progress |
In stage1 of network install, allow to choose the mirror from a mirror list (, already done for FTP in CVS (OlivierBlin) |
done |
In stage1 of install from HD, allow to use more than one ISO image (how many ? 3 ? as much as possible ?) (OlivierBlin) |
done |
Make the main dialog in install bigger at high resolutions - e.g. at 1024x768 there is a lot of free space around the dialog, and too little space inside (and scrollers appear) ( |
maybe later |
When upgrading a previous mandrake installation and there's not enough disk space to upgrade, give the possibility to remove packages.(VincentPanel) |
maybe later |
Suggestion |
Status |
GNOME 2.6 (FredericLepied) |
done |
Any chance to have gnome 2.8? Frankly, as a gnome user, it is so frustrating to get an old version in mandrake when a new one is already out! (Frederic Parrenin) |
no |
uniformize key shortcuts => propose a spec to XDG (FredericLepied) |
in progress |
switch to XDG menu descriptions (FredericLepied) |
maybe later |
a 'network neighbourhood' type icon on GNOME and KDE desktops by default (AustinActon). smb:/ is supported on KDE and GNOME, but under KDE, lan:// may be better if lisa is setup by default (BuchanMilne). |
in progress |
A standard theme built in to the system. Should be compatible with KDE, Gnome, and any other major desktop environments. (ChrisDuben) |
in progress |
Switch to Ximian's build system, to minimize duplication of efforts between MDK, Fedora and Debian, and giving us access to several OOo improvements (FrederikHimpe) |
maybe later |
Use the openoffice kde integration like SUSE 9.1 is doing (LuisAlves) |
maybe later |
Install and enable oooqs by default if enough RAM (>= 192 MB) is available (FrederikHimpe). oooqs will start up by default if installed. So, biggest issue is it must be moved to main (BuchanMilne). |
in progress |
The ability to switch locales (at least languages) on the fly (either a menu option or key shortcut). I've seen WinXP do this and it would be really useful in some situations. (MJH) |
probably not |
Enable autologin when USB key is inserted and contain defined info (RobertVojta). flepied added pam_usb, so maybe drakauth needs to have support added (BuchanMilne)? |
maybe later |
Clean up peripheral names (EmmanuelMoll) |
more info |
Call a CDROM a "CDROM" and not a "CDROM /mnt/cdrom" (EmmanuelMoll). This might be confusing if they are several devices. Maybe a tradeof would be "CDROM 1" "CDROM 2" and so on. (RegisDecamps) |
in progress |
Use the Vendor name and id name for the desktp icon name: people will recognise a "Philips DVD+RW" but not necessarely a "CDROM /mnt/CDROM" (EmmanuelMoll) |
Done |
Ditto with removable devices. Desktop icon is called Vendor name id name and the mount point should follow this as well (EmmanuelMoll) |
in progress |
Gnomemeeting 1.0 (FabienIllide) (You can test it here |
done |
Let the default image management and digital camera access tool, be DigiKam, it got much more sophisticated since 0.6.0, by plug-ins it can convert RAW images, burn photo CDs/DVDs, do slide shows, manipulations, images organized in albums, ... camera desktop icon should fire up this tool (TillKamppeter) |
done |
Scribus 1.1.6 (or what is current ay 10.1 time): It is a killer app, there are already professionals looking after it, have also a look on LinuxTag 2004, June 23-26, Karlsruhe, Germany (TillKamppeter). Some people have critisized skribus as not having a good UI. I personally prefer OOo Draw at present (BuchanMilne). |
done |
Buttons order: choose if buttons order in applications should follow GNOME or KDE policy. Current situation is very confusing for users (DavidBaudens) |
probably not |
Better yet: adapt the order dynamically depending on the running desktop (ReinoutVanSchouwen) |
probably not |
Kdesktop: fix grid (DavidBaudens) |
in progress |
Kdesktop: allow to specify where an icon should appear for the first time (DavidBaudens) |
more info |
Kdesktop: it should be possible to add system-wide icons to the desktop (as can be done with Windows - we have system-wide custom menus, so why not desktop too?). |
maybe later |
Icons theme: redraw icons to use same icons in KDE and GNOME and some important non GNOME/KDE applications (like and Mozilla) (DavidBaudens) |
maybe later |
Cursors: create a theme which can be used in all applications (and not only on Desktop) (DavidBaudens) |
probably not |
Kicker: don't move an application in taskbar when a new window is open. It is confusing (DavidBaudens) |
probably not |
Kicker: when an application blink in taskbar and when windows are grouped by application, show which window have start blink (DavidBaudens) |
more info |
dynamic indexhtml (DavidBaudens) |
maybe later |
Kontact/Evolution: use informations available in summary (DavidBaudens) |
more info |
Kmail: use "Local folders" page to display informations (DavidBaudens) |
maybe later |
Kooka: define better values (dpi) for each available scan options (DavidBaudens) |
maybe later | use $BROWSER (DavidBaudens) |
in progress |
( Bug #7288) is related; $BROWSER should reflect desktop environment default browser (ReinoutVanSchouwen) |
in progress |
magicdev: redraw configuration window. Current one is not usable for normal users (DavidBaudens) |
probably not |
magicdev: don't ask for what to do when several tracks are available. All of them should be mounted. At present time, user need to eject and re-insert CD/DVD to use another track (DavidBaudens) |
probably not |
hotplug: label USB keys on Desktop as USB keys and not as partitions (DavidBaudens) |
in progress |
Desktop: don't show TV cards (and other devices) on desktop when they can't be removed from computer. Only removable devices should appear on Desktop when they are plugged and usable by user (DavidBaudens) |
maybe later |
Desktop: allow to hide/show specific device on desktop (for example hide specific HD (/dev/hdd) device on desktop, and keep other HD visible) (LaurentMontel) |
done |
Improve kaddressbook to allow to use directly ldap and not import address from ldap (LaurentMontel). This is already possible via KDE Control Center->Components->Resources->contact->Add->LDAP, but (1)this uses a bad method, querying the LDAP server at startup, and individually binding and querying every object it found, taking a long time, and killing the LDAP server, it should use the method Evo and Mozilla use (search on the entered string, and request all values in one search), (2) it doesn't seem to have write support, and (3) it need to be configurable from withing Kontact. |
done |
Add kcontrol module for define which appli to use with magicdev and not hardcoded it into dynamic (LaurentMontel) |
maybe later |
Add international bookmarks for all browser (LaurentMontel) |
done |
Use kiosk (LaurentMontel). Can someone consider publishing kiosk restrictions to LDAP (and KDE supporting reading them from LDAP)? (BuchanMilne). |
in progress |
Use Qt3.3.x >= 3.3.1 if it's possible => don't load OpenGL all the time, just when it's necessary (LaurentMontel) |
done |
Remove icons on buttons (DavidBaudens) Do you mean turning off displaying icons on buttons? You can do that yourself... Either way, this should be a user selectable option. (Scott) |
in progress |
Allow all address book software to use the same addressbook file. This would allow users to use the addressbook software they like without re-entering all their contacts because the new addressbook software doesn't use the same format as the previous one (DavidBaudens). For enterprise settings, LDAP should be considered for this (since OpenLDAP-2.1.29-1mdk, users in standard LDAP network should have write access for address-book entries to ou=Contacts,dc=mydomain,dc=com - works from Evo, other clients need LDAP write support). |
maybe later |
Konqueror/indexhtml: use same feature as the one available when you select "Help/Konqueror Introduction". The address bar is empty. It prevents you to select all the URL before enter or paste the one you want to consult (and when you paste using UNIX copy/paste, it prevents you to loose clibpboard's content, i.e. the URL you want to consult). (DavidBaudens) |
done |
Mozilla: create a Mandrakegalaxy theme (DavidBaudens) |
probably not |
Konqueror: add ActiveX support. See with LaurentMontel for technical details (DavidBaudens) |
probably not |
Add a panel to the desktop that is exclusively for notifications and messages. (ChrisDuben) You can do this yourself. (AustinActon) |
probably not |
Automatic mobile phone integration; when installing or by means of a configuration tool, user is asked what mobile phone(s) he has and corresponing packages are automatically installed and configured, i.e. gnokii for Nokia mobiles, gscmxx for Siemens, etc. We might as well help with access to these phone, e.g. configure IrDA access or similar. (MichalBukovjan) |
probably not |
Integrate a tool for SMS sending via free Internet gateways according to the country that is selected during install (or via some config tool) (MichalBukovjan). Is this really a good idea? These gateways seem to come and go ... and some IM clients already have integrated sms support? |
probably not |
An auto-mounting network browser. At the start, there should be a folder (/net) set apart for mounted network shares. The system would put an icon in the folder for each computer it finds on the network. When a user clicks on one of the computers, it asks for a username and password. If the login is successful, then the computer icon disappears and the network shares for that computer are mounted to a subfolder. (ChrisDuben). These ideas are already implemented in some ways (see the "Network Neighborhood desktop icon" request above). Firstly, if you use autofs, entering /net/nfsserver will show all the NFS shares avaialble on host nfsserver (and, NFS doesn't usually authenticate as you describe). Under KDE you can browse lan:// (or the "LAN Browser" in the services section of the Konqueror panel), and in KDE and GNOME, you can browse smb:// (and in KDE, you can use fish://sshserver/path too). So, it just needs to be more visible (ie desktop icon) (BuchanMilne). |
in progress |
Use kdepim-3.3 when it will released (I will released before kde 3.3, it will incorporate improve support for kolab/egroupware etc.) (LaurentMontel) |
done |
Evolution & Kontact/Kmail: when "Mail" is selected for the first time, select and display first mail (DavidBaudens) |
in progress |
Evolution: display first mail in more language than just english (DavidBaudens) |
maybe later |
Evolution: replace default Ximian's contact by a Mandrakesoft's contact (DavidBaudens) translate it (LaurentMontel) |
in progress |
Evolution: When using LDAP contacts, add support for writing to a different basedn (ie ou=Contacts,dc=xxx,dc=yyy) than the basedn set for searches (ie dc=xxx,dc=yyy). Otherwise, you need to LDAP settings for the same set of data (because you should not have write access to a whole tree) (BuchanMilne). |
more info |
Kontact: add a default Mandrakesoft's contact (DavidBaudens) translate it (LaurentMontel) |
in progress |
Better support for folder encryption (using mountloop or kgpg). If possible, we should allow user to encrypt all its $HOME (with "on the wire" encryption when needed) (DavidBaudens) |
probably not |
Hotplug: let user choose which application will be launched when a removable device is plugged (i.e.: when a scanner is plugged, let user to choose if Xsane or Kooka should be launched) (DavidBaudens) |
in progress |
Kicker, applications menu: a blue background is not enough to understand that this button is special. Most users don't understand they can launch applications clicking on it. A label is needed. (DavidBaudens). Maybe a bigger button is needed(ie wider than others?). Patch avaiable on (BuchanMilne) |
in progress |
Konqueror (files browser): allows users to organize files and folders as they want and _keep_ this organization. At present time, files and folders are automatically sorted by Name. It is very disturbing for users (DavidBaudens) |
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Konqueror (files browser): remove URL and Bookmars toolbar. They are useless and disturbing for users (DavidBaudens). How then must I access fish:// URLs? There is no other way, and I don't think we need to limit users by default as much as Windows limits them by default (BuchanMilne) |
probably not |
Trash: create a real trash where we can make undo/redo, and which don't overwrite previous file when there are same name (LaurentMontel) |
maybe later |
History in konqueror sidebar: rewrite it to make it correct, display history by date, and not by site (LaurentMontel) |
maybe later |
Supermount: create mix between magicdev and supermount (allow to stop magidev when we burn CD) (LaurentMontel) |
probably not |
mdkkdm: recreate interface (LaurentMontel). Try to develop it into the direction, which is suggested by or even think about a change to gdm. (FrankKoester) |
in progress |
Kdebase-servicemu: improve it, search what action can be add to this module (LaurentMontel). There are many good actions on Maybe consider integrating with sudo for some (ie ISO mounting), and having better default sudo config (BuchanMilne). |
more info |
Use the shadow patch for KWin to allow a best-looking KDE. (see (Pinaraf) |
probably not |
Galaxy is really nice and a good idea to unify the two big desktops, but I whish to use the same icon set in Gnome and KDE. My suggestion is NUVOLA as default icon set. (FrankKoester) |
maybe later |
Use a different X11 Mouse theme. Any theme at is nicer than the standard X11 theme. Or even create a MandrakeGalaxy style. (FrankKoester) |
Try to implement separate home directories for konqueror depending on its use, so that when I click on the home button in the konqueror file browser my home directory appears (i.e. /home/user) and when I click on the home button when konqueror is in Web browser mode I end up with my start page (i.e. (FrankKoester) |
make a package of gtk-qt and make it work when the working desktop is KDE. |
Suggestion |
Status |
add Firebird (the sql database engine) the actual packages that are at the Firebird site are ok ( and there is allready 257 votes |
add samba and jabber capabilities to kolab (FredericLepied). |
maybe later |
Rather not ... instead maybe a wizard to set up samba and LDAP, and fix the many issues with Kolab, such as schema compliance, hijacking of OIDs and schemas, clobbering of config files etc etc etc (BuchanMilne). |
in progress |
Easy setup of package mirroring (SimonOosthoek) _Have a wizard in the server configuration or in the urpmi section of MCC to setup a local mirror (specify local destination, remote source and which parts to mirror and the update frequency and time._ |
more info |
Easy setup of centralised user management (NIS/LDAP) (SimonOosthoek) |
maybe later |
Centralised software management (ie urpmi+ldap), rights management (ie sudo+ldap), security management (ie msec+ldap). See more EnterpriseDevelopment (BuchanMilne) |
maybe later |
Centralized backup management of client machines (StewBenedict) |
maybe later |
Better SSL cert management (CA, with auto-enrolment of new machines) (BuchanMilne) |
maybe later |
think about store user certificates in ldap and try to provide some working and tested examples (for example apache authorization mechanism) (TiborPittich). See above (complete CA and client/server integration) (BuchanMilne). |
maybe later |
Don't start servers by default when they are installed. Current policy is to make life easy for users. This is a good policy. But it should not mean that a server is up immediatly after its installation. It should mean that you can install as many server as you want and you can (very) easily start them when you need them. It allows to have a more secure computer as now. To easily start a server, a simple tool can be created (or drakservices used) and putted in MCC. (DavidBaudens) |
probably not |
Try to reduice the number of server running as root (whowrotethis?). Name some examples that don't need to run as root that currently do then) (BuchanMilne). |
probably not |
Compile servers running with high privileges (sshd, smbd, nmbd, proftpd, nfsd, cupsd, pop3d, imapd) with ProPolice stack protection |
maybe later |
Replace tmdns with mDNSResponder (the standard Zeroconf daemon from Darwin BSD) and build: (RobinPerkins), plugin for apache, plugin(s) for Konqueror, Mozilla & Epiphany, plugins for ftp server(s) and client(s), plugins for instand messengers: gaim, kopete etc. Should we use proprietary-style plugins, or should we just use tmdns's register-service script, and have support for registering services via RFC-compliant Kerberos-style SRV records (so that Windows clients will also find them)? Note that the kerberos and LDAP libs (ie nss_ldap etc) have support for locating Kerberos/LDAP servers this way ... (BuchanMilne). |
maybe later |
Support for NFSV4 and associate gui |
maybe later |
Suggestion |
Status |
Make them HIG compliant and test, test, test them as much as possible (RobertVojta) ( Bug #7249), ( Bug #7270), ( Bug #7271) (ReinoutVanSchouwen) |
in progress |
WAP roaming: it's a PITA, but it's popular and complicated to use by CLI; drakconnect 10 has a good start, but it should be easier to use, autoroam, auto-dhcp, and have a popup GUI for WEP; see EasyWifi for ideas (AustinActon) |
in progress |
joystick config tool? (AustinActon) |
maybe later |
Include internet music sources in "what to do?" or in default audio player. |
in progress |
Provide with "bundle of packages" (compressed archive) for fast/easy minimal updates (like what plagued 9.2 : popt/rpm to solve signature issue and menu disappearances, drakxtools/hardrake/harddrake-ui for speedtouch 330, ...) Makes it easier for those who cannot use MandrakeUpdate to determine dependancies to correct a specific bug (when connection to internet does not work or if using a 56k modem for example) (BenoitAudouard) They can use windoze or another location to download all the necessary packages for a specific update (BenoitAudouard) Maybe an "online-drakxtools" would do it : just provide a list of packages, then obtain a tar.gz with all necessary packages (BenoitAudouard) You can then add trackability from bugzilla bug to patch correcting it or publish it on the errata (BenoitAudouard) Rpmdrake already has support for a "urpmi script" style file. How would you know which files are needed (only the client can know, as it knows which packages are currently installed). I don't see this is going to make life better ... maybe rather a frontend to 'urpmq -d -m'? (BuchanMilne) |
probably not |
Improvement of Drakboot for existing Linux installations (automatic lilo configuration to take into account existing multiple partitions) : update /etc/lilo.conf that's the current way (not that newbie friendly...) (BenoitAudouard) |
probably not |
configuration tool for power saving options, such as option to enable ACPI or APM, basic front-end to /etc/cpufreqd.conf, /etc/acpi/events/* and /proc/acpi/* |
probably not |
enabling of kernel laptop mode,... (FrederikHimpe) |
done |
Ability of firewall configuration tool to differentiate between LAN and Internet when opening services (and more services) (RickyNgAdam) |
in progress |
Better integration of firewall with desktop and packet-event-based configuration (such as ZoneLabs Zonealarm) (RickyNgAdam) See, need to have iptables-devel ( Bug #6490 ) |
maybe later |
Firewall tool should support all configurations drakconnect sets up (tmdns, samba browsing broadcasts etc) (BuchanMilne) |
maybe later |
Automatical usage of ssh keys, gpg keys, ... when USB key is inserted and contain these keys (RobertVojta). IMHO, there we need to have tool for converting keys into IETF SECSH for allow usage in putty (ssh-keygen -e ..) (TiborPittich). Putty sucks, why should we cater to it? Use cygwin-ssh instead with keychain, and you don't need to click 5000 buttons to have sane behaviour (BuchanMilne). |
maybe later |
Add smartmontools options on the disks with email alarm is the disk is going to fail (ArnauddeLorbeau) |
in progress |
Add autogeneration of the nut-2.x.x config file using the old 1.4.x config files (ArnauddeLorbeau) |
in progress |
Use xrender to change the screen resolution on the fly with XFdrake (ArnauddeLorbeau). xrandr? (BuchanMilne). |
in progress |
Netprofiles improvement - try to store informations like www proxy, smtp server, ... (RobertVojta) |
in progress |
some tool for user specified settings for mozilla, fetchmail, ... applications (RobertVojta) |
probably not |
ask for netprofile during boot (initscript) with timeout instead of putting it into the bootloader config (RobertVojta) |
in progress |
Background DHCP process to speed up boot times (EmmanuelMoll). Already done if your NIC supports ifplugd (BuchanMilne). Add a file /etc/dhclient-<nic_name>.conf with "timeout 10;" or patch bind dhcp because waiting 60s for NICs which do not support ifplugd is too long. (VincentPanel) What about processes that need a functioning IP layer, like NIS, NFS, NTP,... How do you handle these dependencies? sysv init seems to be lacking functionality for this. dm for example depends on a working authentication process (if not using local files)_ (SimonOosthoek) |
probably not |
External Harddrive's should be considerd as a removable device. Now they show up while booting as a new device but if you remove the drive the next time you reboot you system will hang on a fault in /etc/fstab, of course the drive isn't there anymore. It should be treated as writable cdrom. ((GuyForsman). This applies to any removable device (ie USB mouse too) (BuchanMilne). |
in progress |
Cleanup of the way a wifi/net/modem device is detected.The user don't now the name of the module needed for his device. Not all devices are listed, hey even after complaining since I think Mandrake 8.2 D-Link 660 isn't listed. But it works so go figure. This is very messy. Drakconnect should list the info from the device it found and then offer us the possibility to choose out of a list or fill in the name of the module if we know it. I think XP behaves like this it's searches automatically for a device (default option) but it's possible to override and point to the place where the driver(they call it this way)/module (we call it this way) is located. (GuyForsman). This should not only cover ethX devices, I wanted to configure my bluetooth device (bnep0), I got it up manually, but then I had to set all settings with a text editor because drakconnect didn't know about it. Drakconnect should support any network device that is already working (and that goes for drakfirewall too - I had to set shorewall up manually to NAT the ppp connection via bnep0) (BuchanMilne). |
in progress |
Investigate if integration with gnome-system-tools is possible ( (ReinoutVanSchouwen) |
probably not |
redraw XFDrake GUI (DavidBaudens) |
maybe later |
XFDrake: generate requested modelines (weird resolutions like 1280x800) based on the resolution, monitor capabilities (vertical Hz, horizontal kHz range) and required refresh rate (RobertVojta) |
more info |
in addition to above, support non-standard resolutions for widescreen notebooks - 1024x480 and 1280x600 for Sony VAIO Picturebooks and JVC, 1280x768 for Sony VAIO TR series (AdamWilliamson) |
more info |
show DPI during display setup and give possibility do enter display size (in milimeters) for better DPI (add note here, that users with small font should fill these values) (RobertVojta) |
maybe later |
RPMDrake: maybe time to re-unify GUI (DavidBaudens) The current concept with 4 seperate applications is very slow (reload rpmdbase for every action) and very user unfriendly, for example to check whether a package is installed or not, you have to check software remove?! Please rework this something like the harddrake concept.(HansDeRaad) |
probably not |
Show the package names, which are updateable, in bold type or even with an exclamation mark or the word "update" on the left side of the package name. On the right side of the package name, where at the moment it is only possible to check a package for installation or deinstallation, make this field more flexible. For example choose and show with the first click on this field the newest available package number for installation, with a second click it should be possible to reinstall the currently installed package if available. (with a second click you might show the second newest available package number depending on the choice of the installation sources and so on...). With a third click an uninstall of the package should be chooseable. (FrankKoester) |
probably not |
enhance MCC ergonomy (presentation and navigation) (DavidBaudens) |
in progress |
add drakauth into MCC: Network & Internet (RobertVojta) (see Bug #6507) (Other bugs must be fixed first ...). |
in progress |
ask before installing missing RPM files? (RobertVojta) (see Bug #6709) |
in progress |
gurpmi: create a real interface (DavidBaudens) |
in progress |
Logdrake: enhance/redraw interface with something similar to: ? (DavidBaudens) |
maybe later |
Install from Web server: enhance ergonomy, warn when download is finished, check if rpm to download have not been already downloaded, check if rpm to download is not already installed (DavidBaudens) |
done |
Localedrake: enhance ergonomy (DavidBaudens) |
more info |
Drakclock: modify KDE's time zone too (DavidBaudens) |
more info |
Drakclock: enhance ergonomy (DavidBaudens) |
more info |
Drakproxy: configure proxy in browser too (DavidBaudens). Some browsers (like Epiphany) depend on GNOME network proxy settings. (ReinoutVanSchouwen) |
in progress |
Drakfirewall: enhance ergonomy and allow to add new protocols (DavidBaudens) |
in progress |
and more default protocols in the list (ntp, rtsp, samba, nfs) |
maybe later |
MandrakeFirstTime: re-add module to configure email etc. and configure kcontrol email module (LaurentMontel) |
probably not |
Mandrakefirsttime should be used only for computer registration via Mandrakeonline. Window manager and theme configuration should be handle at user level. Window manager to use should be part of user administration (like name, password, language, etc.). Theme to use should be configured using tools provided by the used graphical environment. Mail/news configuration should be configured for all supported mailers with a wizard when Internet configuration is configured (if Internet configuration is done by user) or when a mailer is launched for the first time (if Internet configuration is already done). (DavidBaudens) |
in progress |
GNOME and KDE Control Center: to unify using MCC look and feel. Mandrakelinux tools which can be used as user should be integrated to this control center. (DavidBaudens). Mandrake GNOME currently uses a menu as 'control center', not preferences:///! |
probably not |
Mandrakelinux tools should be always embed in MCC, even if they are lauched manualy or from applications menu (DavidBaudens) |
in progress |
DrakVPN: all its GUI should be redrawed. Final users can't configure a VPN connection or server with current tool (DavidBaudens). Add this tool to MCC. (VincentPanel) |
maybe later |
Drakloop: all its GUI should be redrawed too and openssh-askpass dependency removed. |
maybe later |
Add this tool to MCC. (VincentPanel) |
probably not |
A program that would automatically install a source package by running configure, make, and make install in the background. --is this possible? (ChrisDuben). How do you know if dependencies are installed? Rather add build-from-SRPM/CVS spec file support to urpmi IMHO (BuchanMilne). |
probably not |
PrinterDrake: should work out of the box, without install packages (DavidBaudens). Packages should not be installed if not necesssary (ie printing to other CUPS server), updating 30MB of security update package you don't need to be able to print over a dialup is ridiculous. (BuchanMilne). Installing an "office workstation" on a laptop, going out of town, and then realizing that you can't print at all without installing 30 MB of packages over dialup is even worse! (AustinActon) |
in progress |
Don't display version number in title bar. It is useless. (DavidBaudens) |
maybe later |
PrinterDrake/Userdrake: make search dynamic (DavidBaudens) |
probably not |
Review PrinterDrake ergonomy. It is not usable by Aunt Tillie (DavidBaudens) |
maybe later |
Drakconnect: configure Kppp to allow to use it as user (or better, create an applet to monitor Internet connexion and a dialog box to up or down Internet connexion). (DavidBaudens) Not only kppp, this should be done for all connections !!! See suggestions for 10. Maybe there are existing tools that can be extended or hacked or used (LineControl, mserver, kinternet) or a generic status display there the status is detected by scipts and a toggle button, so net_cnx_up/down can be used. A ping to is not a working solution to detect if a connection is up (people may pay for a connection they believe it is down and nameserver problems or route leads to wrong detection) (SteffenBarszus) |
done |
Mdkkdm: ehance UI; it is not very nice at present time (DavidBaudens) |
in progress |
rpmstats: propose to the user to add a cron which send anonymous statistics of her packages usage, so that we could really know which applications are used by our user, and set them as default. |
in progress |
Mandrakeupdate - Tool launched using applet: don't copy SUSE. Do better. (DavidBaudens) |
more info |
Mandrakeupdate - Wizard: enhance ergonomy (DavidBaudens) |
more info |
drakconnect - Tools: Add support for aliases (ArnauddeLorbeau) |
in progress |
drakconnect - Tools: Add support for VLAN (ArnauddeLorbeau) |
in progress |
Create a tool for bluetooth configuration (ArnauddeLorbeau) |
in progress |
All Mandrakesoft tools that can send an email must propose to use an other smtp server than localhost/sendmail; msec for exemple do not propose this whereas logdrake does. (ArnauddeLorbeau). Maybe the tool should do a DNS lookup for the MX dor the hosts domain name?(BuchanMilne). |
in progress |
Move the email alert system from logdrake where it is hiden to create a new tool or move it to drakxservices where people could select to monitor by email each services. (ArnauddeLorbeau) |
maybe later |
RPMDrake: Enable "--force" and "--nodeps" installation (maybe add an advanced mode therefore). (FrankKoester). No, rpmdrake should not break someone's machine or allow using broken packages. File bugs on the packages (and if they're not Mandrake packages, DON"T USE NON-MANDRAKE PACKAGES!!!) (BuchanMilne). |
no |
Drakconnect: rewrite based around detected devices and associated connections (c.f. bug #8980 for screenshot mockups). (EmmanuelMoll) |
in progress |
Drakxtv: Use tvtime (tvtime-scanner) instead of xawtv (scantv). The quality of the picture is much better. (FrankKoester) Either make it work with DVB cards, or make Draktv configure both xawtv and tvtime. (AustinActon) |
in progress |
setup X for rotation when available (nv driver for example) (AustinActon) |
maybe later |
Fix text of tooltips and options in Draksec ( Bug #6969) (AdrianoV) |