Development/Ideas/Mandriva LE2005

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Ideas for Mandriva Linux LE2005 (aka 10.2)

List ideas to build the upcoming Mandrakelinux 10.2 distribution.

Add your name for each idea to be able to discuss with you if needed.


[edit] General

Suggestion Status
Don't forget all that's been proposed in 10.1 (SamuelVerschelde)
Application integration. That means we should choose the best application to do the right work. A lot of applications with the same function may make users be at a loss. So we choose carefully which application should be installed default and do NOT choose many applications with the same function! And also, don't use too many GNOME applictions in KDE or the reverse. Hiding some GNOME applications in KDE will be better or the reverse. (ShiyuTang) Done on Discovery

[edit] Packaging

Suggestion Status
Executable scripts in /etc no more config files (FredericLepied) rpmlint rule done
C header files must go on separate packages to allow the development on bi-arch platform (GwenoleBeauchesne)
No more dependency on release to be able to provide updates on some sub-packages without distributing all the sub-packages of a single source package (FredericLepied) rpmlint rule done
Merge rpm-packages that are completely tied together, e.g. kdeedu and libkdeedu, into one single package. (BeatEdelmann)

[edit] Installation/DrakX

( Discussion )

Suggestion Status
Possibility to customize with software a ISO image (already created) just BEFORE burning CD for only drakx installer :
add/create a texte file called custom-installer.ini (on CD) with 5KB blank characters, create section INSTALLER, key name LANGUAGE for language of installer selection (the most important parameter), with value EN-US for example (=AMERICA / ENGLISH (american)); when i boot on cd, the installer (drakx) load this values to change the default parameters (language of installer selected , type of keyboard, etc ...) of installer.
with a external program (easy to use and linux+windows version) include on CD i can change this values/file from iso file : indicate ISO file or name file .ini and i can change parameters, the program modify the ISO (bytes only at position, or change value of section from .ini file), after i can burn ISO, and when i burn with my CD i have directly french installation for example, of french keyboard preselected : it accelerate installation FROM CD (the values are preloaded directly from drakx installer from CD ! can you do that ? (Mic. B-A,
Already done with MdkInstallerHowto, and iso cannot be modified so easyly, as there is a index table etc, etc.
Installation should be didactic while copying files : for example with an introduction on the Control Center and how to add/remove/update programs. Many beginners instinctively go on the internet to download a software instead of using URPMI/RpmDrake. A short introduction on how urpmi works would also be useful (ThomasCanniot)
Create a Laptop mode, that installs, acpid, pcmcia, acpi, wireless-tools, noflushhd, cpufreqd, sonytools, thinkpad tools. (LuisAlves) Image:bug_small.png Bug #2362 and i8k (Dell) related stuff ? (FabienIllide) i8k configured since 2004-11-29
Language selection: a world map like evolution would be better than treelist. (FundaWang) Language is not simply linked to location. In some places, many languages are spoken (DidierHerisson) Yes, a world map with a combo box is enough. If user select certain country/region, the most spoken language will be selected by default. (FundaWang) The interface should not prevent selection of non-standard combinations of location, language and timezone. This is important e.g. for people who are living abroad. ( SimonOosthoek ) Language list should contain all the languages, while selecting certain country/region just determine the timezone and the default selected language. (FundaWang) cookerml
Ability to use synthesis files when installing via ftp. (FabriceFACORAT)
To return indexing files for APT into media_info directory, so that it woudn't be necessery download hdlist (which has each over 20MB). (KenyOtter) In progress, if time permit ( 1 2 )
Warning during install makes no sense (see Image:bug_small.png Bug #10827)
Pointers to missing firmware (wireless drivers, etc.) (AustinActon)
support for Dell laptops with <1 MB video RAM default: (AustinActon)
in relation with the above, from the same site: the 855wrapper which is needed for other dell laptops (see Image:bug_small.png Bug #11685 ) (
Installation from iso images on the harddrive, on windows (fat32 and ntfs) and linux partitions, or on nfs network drives ( BTW, mounting an ISO image that is on an NFS server is really the most inefficient way, set up your server instead to share the whole tree out. (BuchanMilne) Done ( Install from iso )
...Then, register urpmi.database correctly after Install. So, maybe auto-mounting of the ISO images should be setup when installing from ISOs? (BuchanMilne) Done I think. urpmi can now use an iso as a medium, and is setup this way when installing from ISOs
Installation preparation when inserting the installation cd1 on a running windows box: estimation how much diskspace can be freed up for linux (especially on ntfs partitions - with hints to defrag, even several times until enough space can be freed), estimations about hardware support for the system: wireless, soundcard, videocard, nic(s), etcetc (
Install gnome-terminal even if user does not select "Console Tools" (AustinActon). So, users still need a terminal emulator to use a Linux distribution? How about instead filing bugs on the issues normal users would encounter. Users who actually need a terminal emulator *should* choose "Console Tools", or they will miss out lots of packages that make console use liveable. (BuchanMilne)
Install gnome-calculator with basic gnome setup (AustinActon)
Install full printing suite if user selects "Office" category (AustinActon). cups-drivers is huge ... in an office where there is one CUPS server with all printers configured, this is unncessary bloat (BuchanMilne), instead maybe the software categories should have a "Drivers" entry which will install all driver packages?
Save or upload the list of packages from an USB key or a diskette (see Image:bug_small.png Bug #8228) -- (PierreJarillon) done
...or hard drive (DickGevers) done
For club members using the Download Edition, or installing from FTP, install nvidia/ati/3rd part drivers and commercial applications from club mirrors. This may be coupled with an automatic selection of media mirrors (see RPMDrake section) (EricFernandez). Eh? This is has been possible for ever (actually, probably about 9.1). Install with a Download version, add the Club media via the firsttime wizard, run XFdrake, and you will get the drivers (BuchanMilne). I meant the Club media could be added *automatically* after install, and offer install of the necessary commercial drivers. This could be part of the general scheme of automatic media mirrors selection and setup, instead of having to use Easyurpmi/club mirror-lists (as suggested below, "easyurpmi"/club mirror lists could be accessed by urpmi.addmedia/Rpmdrake) (EricFernandez).
Quicker installation: The user would choose packages pretty early on in the installation. Then, while the packages are copying, the user would choose settings (all settings that are possible at that point). In the remaining time, maybe the user would have the option of viewing a tour of the new release. *I know that this would be a lot of work, and it will probably not go in 10.2, but I just want to voice the idea so that we can think about it.* (ChrisDuben) The old RedmondLinux (Now Lycoris) did this back a few years ago (And certainly still does)... Never saw that elsewhere, sadly. Copying all the file took longer than filling the configuration boxes, but not that much; Anyway, the user was prompted with a "solitaire" game to wait for the end of installation :o) ! The overall installation process was a lot faster than any other distro. Well, with RedmondLinux, there where not many choices for packages (Where there any ?), but this feature would be great to please the newcomers to Mdk (well, bore them less) (Nayco) no, too much work (Pixel)
Create the default mdk kernel with at least support for 8 Giga or more of memory and smp support and remove kernels like i586-up-1GB and i686-up-4GB and i686-up-64GB and smp just create one config that is generic enougth for any machine with dual cpu and 8 Giga of memory without having to switch kernels. (LuisAlves). I doubt, as it still have performance impact (MichaelScherer) partially done
Let users choose their own local ftp/nfs/harddrive update repository for extra updates at the end of the installation (Amrein-Marie Christophe)
Configure smartmontools automatically for each hard drive device, it will allow people to be informed when a hard drive is about to fail (Erwan Velu)
Show a progress bar when users have to wait. Example: while downloading stage2 (Amrein-Marie Christophe) AFAIK there is already a progress bar when downloading stage2 (Pixel)
Show how much time left to change CD. Some users like to do something else while installing. That makes they know when should get back to computer. :)(ShiyuTang) will not be done for 10.2 (a bit complicated)
In Expert Mode, from User session let user choose uid, gid and home for each user. (Manolo Canga) Hum, isn't that the wrong solution to a real pb? If the users are local and /home is kept, drakx ensure it keeps the old uids (if possible). If the users are remote, shouldn't you use ldap authentication or something? (Pixel). A example. Very times, when someone does a install from 0 ( or new install ), late, restore music( .ogg/.mp3), restore movies ( .mpg/.avi) or other class document and no restore complete home( for clear it) . These have a uid/guid and there is that are doing "chown ...". If these are a lot and mixed. More difficult. And home, simply for can select it( always usefull). (Manolo Canga )
Offer to place all packages on the hard disk, so that the install media will never be required when installing packages later. (nobody?) Why not... (Pixel) Done
Check the cd/dvd md5sums, or at least offer the option to see if the media are good. (
Change order of installation: first configure, then have the package installation done, and if requested, switch off the pc when done, so one can start the installation, go through the set up, then leave the pc and go to bed (or whatever). Especially with network, dvd or hard disk installation where no cdrom swapping is necessary, this may be nice. ( In most scenarios like this, an auto_inst.cfg file is used, which can already allow for automatic reboot, so maybe only a choice between halt or reboot is necessary? IMHO, we shouldn't be adding more options to the installer (this adds perceived complexity, with distros aiming for the 1-click install so they can be sued by Amazon ...) (BuchanMilne) no, too much work, and keeping install simple is enough (Pixel)
Offer the option on the installer summary to configure particular items at first boot. This makes it easier if people install a machine for friends. ( no, better add wishes on drakx-finish-install (Pixel)
In standard security mode, turn on the firewall. ( done
Make sure that installation within a VMWare virtual machine works by default. It used to before but it doesn't in 10.1. This is not good since quite some people (especially in professional environments) tend to use VMWare to test distributions, so a lot of people will have a bad introduction to Mandrake (WimCoulier) File bugs on the specific issues, not everyone can test VMWare installs ...
Use more îcone in the selection of grep of packages in the installation.(na1234567)
Install drakwizard by default if users select Apache, PHP, etc.(ShiyuTang)
Permit to make floppy with package list at any time for reinstall with up to date package list.(NicolasRICHARD)
Kernel 2.6.10 has native support for usb key authentication, make use of it (companies would LOVE it) and permit the creation of such keys per user during the install process (emmanuelmoll) Provide some documentation so it can be investigated?
Allow reloading of hdlist after failed attempt. More than often, install from an evolving mirror (aka cooker or community) fails because of discrepancies between hdlists and packages. This leads to the fatidic message 'package foo impossible to install, do you want to continue (Y/N) ?'. Answering Y just get back to package selection step, but keep current hdlists, meaning installation will continue to fails anyway. If hdlists were to be reloaded, either automatically or by user action, it would allow to solve the problem by syncing the mirror or regenerating the hdlists manually, without relaunching installation from scratch. (GuillaumeRousse)
ENHANCEMENT: _Using auto_inst.cfg allow smart resolution choices._ Allow "smart", "crt" or "lcd" entry instead of the standard "1600" "1280" etc. First test for maximum resolution at >70Hz rates. (or if monitor type=lcd, don't care about the refresh rate) then pick the highest available. This would be usefull for installing multiple workstations in heterogenious environment. Some computers have CRT displays, they could use predefined resolution (like 1280x1024 if >= 70Hz). Others have LCD screens ranging from 1600x1200 to 1024x768. At the moment I cannot think about an easy way of getting the "right" resolutions for LCDs.
VISUAL ENHANCEMENT: a progress bar should be displayed while the CD copy on the hard drive during installation is under progress (StephaneT) see also Image:bug_small.png Bug #14093
REMOTE INSTALLATION: DrakX assumes a user sitting in front of the machine onto which MDK is being installed. This is not feasible in cases where the machine may be remote, such as at a colocation facility. It should be possible to modify the behaviour of the installer so that it will run sshd and that the rest of the installation can be done via an ssh connection. (CliffordILKAY)

[edit] Boot

Suggestion Status
Still try to reduce the time of boot, *whatever it takes* ( AustinActon )
At first boot, ask user if he wants to boot KDE/Gnome faster and then move S20xfs and S30dm higher in the rc5.d services list. _Don't ask this when using networked authentication like NIS or LDAP_ (SimonOosthoek) Don't ask silly questions at all (of course the user wants things to go faster!) (ReinoutVanSchouwen)
Run init script in parallel to gain in boot time (RcParrallelFor101)
Enable bootloader map compaction (e.g. compact argument in lilo.conf) to make Linux boot second or two faster. (GregorP) IIRC, this was causing some trouble on certain BIOS (WarLy)
Get rid of Bootsplash (deprecated) and use gensplash instead (emmanuelmoll) What's the difference? (WarLy)
use default splashscreen more userfriendly than only text and progress bar
Many users have several versions of linux installed on their system. Like me, I have installed MDK 10.1, MDK Cooker and DEMUDI. Please let the boot manager configure and find all of the other systems and add them to the boot menu. DEMUDI does that automatically.(FrankKoester)

[edit] System

Suggestion Status
Use global configuration file, like registry in windows. To ease the configuration of all machine, and to replicate configurations to other machines and to apply configurations to newer versions without a problem -- - 23 Feb 2005 Why would we want to replicate the Windows Registry in any way? The 'global configuration file' in Linux is called /etc/. It doesn't get much simpler and easier than a directory with plain text files in it for configuration. As for replication you have several options: mount the /etc/ tree from a central server using NFS or SMB, manage /etc/ in a revision control system like CVS, SVN or Arch; push changes to /etc/ on one computer out to all other computers using rsync & ssh; etc.
Use HAL/DBUS/Gnome-Volume-Manager/KDE-Volume-Manager instead of the obsolete magicdev for automounting of devices (FrederikHimpe). If possible, please fix Image:bug_small.png Bug #12357 before that (DickGevers) DONE (except for the bug, which remains)
Move prelink to main, and install it as default (FrederikHimpe) I prelinked dozens of kde systems, and it works perfectly, and gives the whole desktop a nice boost. Combining prelink with visibility would be great.. Just having prelink installed doesn't do anything ofcourse :) Best would be if the prelinking occured while the rpm's are being made, so we don't need to run prelink -afmR manually each time ;) ( Verwilst ) AFAIK prelink was not working with KDE, -f visibility bring faster startup time too (WarLy)
Include bits from Con Kolivas kernel to improve desktop performance and interactivity, especially staircase process scheduler, CFQ2 I/O scheduler and mapped watermark II patches. See . If the mapped watermark patches cannot be included for some reason, we should at least set /proc/sys/vm/swapiness to a much lower value than the default, to lower the amount of swap use. (FrederikHimpe)
Talk about the different scheduler in documentation so that people could use the right scheduler for the right job. (FabriceFACORAT)
add a GUI tool to control performance/safety/power options (maybe I will someday, AustinActon)
a GUI to add/remove commands which are executed before/after suspend? (my wireless and tablet are dead after wakeup) (AustinActon)
package Xen enabled kernels (FredericLepied)
| SELinux enabled by default? With a targeted approach like Fedora took, it's hard to go wrong.
Use "tabs" (as it is in /etc/hosts) in config files as /etc/fstab or mtab in aim to have more readable files. (BorisFAURE)
Captive NTFS support (RobinRosenberg) Does it work reliably?
Use the grsecurity patches (hey, it was good enough for Fedora Core 3.. :)
Use software suspend 2 and integrate it with the kcmlaptop applet (it is stable and much better than the standard software suspend (emmanuelmoll)
Merge Reiser4 since it is officially released now (emmanuelmoll)
Add 16k stak patches to the default kernel (found on so that ndiswrapper and driverloader can work correctly on centrino laptops
Have you seen this KDE poll, It refers to work underway at: on a central configuration back-pane to any and all interested Linux VARs and developers. IMHO this is absolutely necessary for Mdk to have seamless integration for its suite of tools/wizards, major applications and differentiate it from the competition. This initiative -- by eliminating hundreds of inconsistent config files, can alone prevent thousands of headaches, bugs and instabilities that to date prevent Mdk from presenting a polished, well-integrated, enjoyable consumer Linux Desktop. (-- - 06 Jan 2005) This should be added upstream, not here. And this was already discussed for fedora

[edit] Hardware

Suggestion Status
HP Servers with Raid Array card support - mdk10.0 could not install, mdk10.1 cannot boot, mdk 9.2 was fine. The previous version were not tested either so some worked and some did not work. The kernel support the HP/Compaq raid cards (cciss) for ages so the problem lies in testing the distro script and kernel compilation (Franck) With no bug report, it's difficult to know what the issue was. Many HP/Compaq machines have broken APIC, have you tried a boot ISO with APIC disabled? (BuchanMilne)
NForce3 250 Support is currently lacking. It has been implimented in Redhat! (AliBy)
SATA not seen - this may be solved in the next kernel release? (AliBy)
Improve the suspend to disk and to ram, for laptop support. (LuisAlves)
Phone mobile (ex: Nokia...) by cable or IR, to change phonebook, rings, logos... 'urpmi gnokii'
Pocket PC via synce (NicolasLecureuil) Done
Pocket PC via mh kernel-patches for bluetooth support (NicolasLecureuil)
Better bluetooth support + mdk tool for bluetooth management. (FabriceFACORAT)
Implement hibernate functionality with Software Suspend for Linux ( ). This is a killer feature for laptops.
Automated installation of rpms due to hardware detection. When you plug an usb device it install the common rpm needed to make it usefull (sane for a scanner, positron & its GUI for a neuros audio device, cups for a printer etc.. (Erwan Velu)
Point Centrino users to the firmware (AustinActon) Firmware is already provide in Commercial versions (BuchanMilne)
Harddrake should inform users if there are other drivers available (nvidia / ati), if drivers for their modem are available (scanModem), if there is a seperate firmware they should download (e.g. for a scanner) and if they need to upgrade firmware for their hardware (i.e. if it is to buggy). (GregorP)
Foresee standard support for the Belgian eID card (i.e. foresee card drivers and eID middleware). See or Documentation or Make sure that eID can be easyly used on Mandrake (not only on MS which is already doing large efforts for inclusion in their platforms). (WimCoulier)
iPod support. (ShiyuTang) Yes, please. Make MandrivaLinux kernel "iPod friendly" by default. See Image:bug_small.png Bug #10619 (SinnerBOFH)
support controleur audio Realtek ALC850 8 canaux - on mandrakelinux 10.1 the sound could not be played with this hardware. The support of audio realteck ALC850 8 canaux is it envisaged for mandrakelinux 10.2 for amd64 and system 32 bit ? (xmoucheron)
support creative instant webcam (VincentPanel)

[edit] Desktop

Suggestion Status
Enlightenment 17 (E17) : or Not stable yet
Looking Glass : Not stable yet
Use DejaVu fonts by default. They are free, pretty, and unicode-aware.. Get them at They are bitstream-vera, but with more unicode chars. (Verwilst)
Rework default Mandrake blue theme (icons,background,transparency,sound,...) see Image:bug_small.png Bug #11995 (for icons, I propose this beautifull icons theme : but backgrounds and general graphic design is still more important). Yes, please rework the mandrake design. Maybe start a design contest? The first step would definately be an addition of Nuvola as the standard icon theme (FrankKoester). I agree, MDK really lacks in the prettiness departement, and Nuvola ( along with a less 'depressing' colorscheme ) would be a giant leap in the right direction! ( Verwilst ). I agree too, MDK should have a nice look since the first boot, this is very important for the first impression of a new user. It could be Nuvola icon, transparent bar by default and more theme, icons, desktop picture available by default. The look is very important for a new user, it's his first impression about MDK... ( Transparant bar might be a little too much for a default.. The default KDE bar ( shade from lightgrey to darker gray ) looks very professional too.. Also, it would be a nice thing to lose the blue background for the kmenu icon on the taskbar, and use the default color.. ( Verwilst )
Integrate MCC and kcontrol in a unique interface -- cant emphasize enough; Mdk must_be_integrated for the user --- If that happens then we need to keep a seperate GTK version too, having drakconf as a KDE program will be horrible for performance under other WM's/DE's (ZeroDogg)
Menu switch to XDG menu descriptions (LaurentMontel) done
KDE 3.3.x ( should this be here? it sounds kind of trivial and what if 3.3.2 comes out just after 10.2.beta1? -- SimonOosthoek) kde 3.3.1 will release this week (2004-10-11) so I think that kde 3.3.2 will release before January and kde 3.3.3 will release before MDK 10.2 (I think) (LaurentMontel) In progress (all kde 3.3.1 packages created)
Even better : KDE 3.4. Testing should start with CVS version at least 2 months after 10.1 official release. (FabriceFACORAT) not for 10.2
Use kdepim -3.4 if it's possible (as kdepim-3.3 with kde3.2) (who?). What about Kolab support etc which is going into 3.3 proko2 branch? (BuchanMilne)
Backport kioslave->trash into kde 3.3.x (if kde 3.4.x is not released before MDK 10.2) (LaurentMontel) (Wait that code in CVS will stable)
Backport KDE Volume Manager into kde 3.3.x (if kde 3.4.x is not released before MDK 10.2) (FabriceFACORAT) (For the moment not finish in CVS)
Allow all address book software to use the same addressbook file. This would allow users to use the addressbook software they like without re-entering all their contacts because the new addressbook software doesn't use the same format as the previous one.
Automatically arranging shortcuts on desktop should be supported. (ShiyuTang) I mean that KDE should line up the icons on the desktop. When you add a new shortcut on desktop, KDE should line up all the icons. What is it ? (LaurentMontel) Is this what you mean: Right-click desktop => Icons => Align to grid. (gmartynverizon)
Allow to quickly re-size icons, text-size and font on desktop using right-click and context menu or config desktop command (
Two trash bins on GNOME caused by KDE should be fixed. It is said to be fixed in KDE 3.4, but I think we don't have to wait for long if we use these codes in KDE CVS. (ShiyuTang)
KDE Setup : by default, activate the "automatically line up icons" switch in Kcontrol=>Desktop=>Behavior=>File icons. This will be a first step to a more professional desktop look and feel (not signed). - Please don't do this, it is so Windows-like, I want to arrange the desktop myself and not have it done for me (DickGevers) I will look at it (LaurentMontel)
GNOME 2.8: (Even better: gnome 2.10.) Testing should be start early. However the release date may be too early. Maybe gnome 2.10 could be provide as a third party software for club users. (FabriceFACORAT) gnome 2.10 will not be part of 10.2, see MandrivaLinux2005
Menu switch to XDG menu descriptions. (FabriceFACORAT) done
Trash: create a real trash where we can make undo/redo, and which don't overwrite previous file when there are same name (kio trash) (LaurentMontel)
look for apps using mozilla as browser and modify to use gnome/kde preferred browser (AustinActon)
if the sound driver selected is ALSA, replace kmix with a native ALSA mixer I don't want (LaurentMontel)
Add gwenview as default KDE image viewer - as it seems to do SUSE - (AngeloNaselli)
GNOME should have a tool equivalent to KDE's klipper (DickGevers)-File an upstream enhancement bug then (BuchanMilne) - At I found "gcb - Gtk copy-paste buffer". A simple but nice package which at least suits my needs. Would someone be kind enough to package it? Thanks (DickGevers) - Oops, just discovered xclip in Contrib due to mention in changelog. WORKSFORME (DickGevers) Fixed
Fix the tranparency problem with icons from gnome on KDE taskbar like network applet included in version 10.1 (LuisAlves)
Include some nice desktop backgrounds, I can provide some if mandrake wants free of any copyright, kind of a GPL wallpaper (LuisAlves) - Have you seen gnome-backgrounds-2.9.4-1mdk in contrib? (DickGevers)
New theme Mandrakegalaxy III and new icons. More beautiful and clear!(ShiyuTang) not for 10.2
Avoid emacs icon on the KDE bar it's better something easier for newbie (e.g. kate, kwrite or gedit). This suggestion comes from a mdk 10.1CE review on an important Italian Linux Magazine (Linux & C.) (AngeloNaselli) done in discovery
Make webclient-gnome and webclient-kde link dynamically to the user's own browser preference (url-handler gconf key in GNOME), not just to the desktop's default (ReinoutVanSchouwen) DONE with www-browser
Add (or write) a graphical print queue manager (like gqueue or gtklpq or whatever). I deal with people all the time who have to idea how to control print queueing, and rightly so. The Cups WWW control is ugly, foreign, and hard to use (enter root info each time). It's also not where one would look for it (it's under configuration, queue control is NOT configuration). (AustinActon) what's wrong with 'kcmshell printmgr'? (JaroslawZachwieja). Nothing, and it comes up when you print via kdeprint anyway. Yet another case of GNOME not being ready for the destkop. Anyway, I think there is a new drak tray app for this now? (BuchanMilne) What about gnome-cups-manager? (ReinoutVanSchouwen)
Allow to browse a rpm with konqueror as we can do with a compressed file. Only mc allows this. (PierreJarillon) ( And less )
Easy configuration of multimedia keys. An application in chich user can select his/her multimedia keyboard and associate keys with a specific fonction. khotkeys exist but it's too complex for end user. See drahotkeys in Drakxtools section. (NicolasChipaux). By default, if you choose your keyboard layout in KDE Control Center, and have kdeutils-klaptop installed, the volume and mute keys will work by default. If you believe 'kcmshell khotkeys' is too complex, file a bug upstream (BuchanMilne)
Use common multimedia shortcut for application. Configure all multimedia application to use XF86Stop and other XFree86 multimedia keycode for managing the application. For example : in amarok, configure it by default to use XF86PlayPause. So if user configure correctly his/her keyboard, user can use the application thourg keyboard without switching task and clicking. (NicolasChipaux). But, which application should intercept these? If both amarok and kscd are running, which should start playing? (BuchanMilne). In progress (added into amarok/konqueror/kscd)
KDE has the ability to configure Name and Email once for all. Please use this feature to avoid configuring knode, kontact, ... And GNOME ? I don't know. (NicolasChipaux) GNOME keeps personal info with Evolution (ReinoutVanSchouwen)
Support laptop computer's "Fn" key.(ShiyuTang) This depends on the hardware and the desktop. Mine work fine in KDE with the right keyboard layout (BuchanMilne)
Create a symbolic link to gnome-settings-daemon in everyone's ~/.kde/Autostart/ folder. Of course, only when g-c-c has been installed. (FundaWang). Or rather fix this so it's not necessary (BuchanMilne)
Include more free fonts, for instance Essays1743 (ReinoutVanSchouwen)
For the first use ask if the user want to have in the deskstop links to devices or one link to system:/ for kde or computer:/. Ugh, more choices. We should enforce fewer choices (BuchanMilne)
Create a tool to change fonts for GNOME applications in KDE.(ShiyuTang) Have you tried gtk-qt-engine (in contrib), its KDE CC module can do this? (BuchanMilne)
Try any way to accelerate, especially launching.(ShiyuTang). Upstream bug (try with 2.0 prerelease, it's apparently better), or use oooqs (BuchanMilne)
Add a GUI to switch user i.e. X session, so they are not forced to use CTRL+ALT+F7,F8,F9 ... (GregorP) Done with latest KDE 3.3.2 ( ??? ) Where is it? (GregorP)
I really wish you would include KPlayer, as it's the best media player for users accustomed to Windows Media Player Done
Please include Apollon, the premiere file sharing application No, p2P application cannot go in contribs. Seek plf on google to have a package

[edit] Server

Suggestion Status
Provide a SUS like server: local server for updates. Some useful features: location via SLP protocol or Kerberos SRV style records, client workstations register themselves to the server which allow the server to only fetch updates needed by the clients, ability to prevent some updates or distribute updates only to somes computers (ability to define group), client could authenticate to server via X509 certificate (OpenCA?) and use SSL for maximum security. (FabriceFACORAT). I really don't know why this complexity is necessary. In situations like this, you should be using automated installations. urpmi.addmedia in 10.2 will honour the proxy server given to urpmi.addmedia, so we just need to set up a caching proxy server (http-replicator). It's working well here (+- 10 Mandrakelinux desktops) with urpmi media besides updates (main, contrib, jpackage, PLF^H^H^H) (BuchanMilne)
Ability to manage workstations packages from a server. This is especialy useful when you want to defined differents software profil for some group of computers. Some features: ability to add/remove packages to all computer of a group, ability to clone a software configuration : install a new computer, add it in a group, make it have the same packages than the others computer of the group, ability to know which packages are installed on the differents computer, ability to see the differences between 2 groups (packages, versions, etc...). (FabriceFACORAT). Since sudo already provides a similar analog based on LDAP, and any situation that would fine this useful should be using LDAP, IMHO this really belongs in LDAP (BTW, Win2k uses AD for this anyway). This should extend beyond package management (as AD extends beyond software installation via Group Policy Objects). (BuchanMilne) In progress, may not be ready for 10.2 (MichaelScherer )
Provide server tools i.e tools to manage main components of a server and not just wizard to set them. Useful tools could be: DNS (add/remove/edit/list entry in DNS, add/remove/copy a DNS zone, set some DNS server options), NFS (add/remove/edit/list shares), Samba (add/remove/edit/list shares, set server options, join NT4 domain/AD domain, BDC setup), Authentification Management (NIS and/or LDAP management + autofs), Quota Management. (FabriceFACORAT)
Make webmin main server administration tool (e.g. document it in Mandrakelinux manuals). (GregorP) Webmin sucks IMHO (BuchanMilne) Why? (GregorP)

[edit] Network

Suggestion Status
DrakNetwork should be divided into two parts: One is DrakLocalNerwork, the other is DrakInternet. That's because local network's config is very different from internet. When you want to config local network, you often set its IP address, netmask, gateway and so on; but to config internet, you will probably set DNS server ip, PPP or PPPoE connecttion, name and password, etc. So I think seperating DrakNetwork is necessary
DrakLocalNetwork should contain this tools:
A wizard to config IP address, netmask, gateway and so on
A tool for changing IP address or for static IP to DHCP quickly. For example, my laptop PC needs this function when I want to use it in different workplaces. Changing IP always make trouble in MDK 10.1 Community, especially when trying it in net_monitor. I have to reboot my PC
A tool for monitor network easily, and this can be launched from network_monitor in taskbar
A tool for deleting local network correctly. In 10.1 Community, it doesn't do well. It always leave something
and so on...
DrakInternet should have these tools:
A wizard to config PPP, PPPoE, PPPoA and other connections. It should let users set name and password, DNS and so on. After config this, it should create a shortcut on desktop to make users connect to internet easily. When connected to internet, and net_monitor should be shown in taskbar. The net_monitor should have the ability to easily disconnect from internet. I think Windows XP has done better than you in this aspect.
A tool for monitor internet. If it has the ability to show that what application uses which port and how much bandwidth it uses will be wonderful.
A tool for modifying and deleting internet connections
and so on...
In order to achieve these goals I mentioned above, net_monitor should be divided into two parts: one for local network and the other for internet. (ShiyuTang)
Partly done in 10.1 Offical. Although not stable enough and miss some functions.(ShiyuTang)
Please don't forget that some people connect to the net via local network, these can't be separated in such cases (DickGevers). 'urpmi knemo' (BuchanMilne) I don't know the pack and don't need it myself, but if it is generally accepted as a good option for this situation, drakconnect should determine that and (offer to) install it (DickGevers)
integrate dbus with net_applet, net_monitor, mdkapplet, drakroam, and other network apps so that they don't use time intervals anymore to check connection status. (see
Improve net_applet so that it detects when ppp interface has lost its connection with ISP (see Image:bug_small.png Bug #11878)
Show a new net_applet icon for each network interface in taskbar (under KDE, see and try knemo to get ideas about the interface)
net_monitor improvements:
"disconnect from LAN" problem (see Image:bug_small.png Bug #10702)
memory leak problem (see Image:bug_small.png Bug #372)
Display internet connection speed (see Image:bug_small.png Bug #11936)
wrong connection statistics (see Image:bug_small.png Bug #11473)
mkinitrd adds Firewire modules, even when not used (see Image:bug_small.png Bug #10567)
Provide a way to configure DHCP timeout (see Image:bug_small.png Bug #11435)
Provide support for WPA support with ndiswrapper using wpa_supplicant in network scripts, i.e. with ifup/ifdown (see Image:bug_small.png Bug #10480 and PackagingTasks) (JimisolaLaursen)
Provide GUI for WPA support with madwifi for atheros wifi cards (e.g. D-Link DWL-AG650) using wpa_supplicant so that the wifi card becomes as easy to install as under Windows (cf. ( - 25 Jan 2005)
Improve the not active at boot time network management (net_monitor should show also those connections and allow to connect) (AngeloNaselli)
(*1*) *It seems not to.* At least for what i meant. My scenario: two network cards, an ethernet one and a wireless one. Both with static address, but the first one is connected to an adsl modem, i use the second one only if i switch on my laptop to have a PTP connection. So I don't need both at boot time. net_monitor shows only eth0 with adls connection button. My Idea was to have a button for any NICs to allow user to connect/disconnect to the related network at run time. (AngeloNaselli)
This was a bug in ifplugd and initscripts, it should be fixed (BuchanMilne)(*1*)
Integration of ISCS which is a very promising technology to manage networks of firewalls (FredericLepied)
Provide option to setup machine as an IDS console/sensor with Snort/ACID/Knetwork/etheape etc. ( 'urpmi ...'? (BuchanMilne)
External Harddrive's should be considerd as a removable device. Now they show up while booting as a new device but if you remove the drive the next time you reboot you system will hang on a fault in /etc/fstab, of course the drive isn't there anymore.
It should be treated as writable cdrom. ((GuyForsman).
This applies to any removable device (ie USB mouse too) (BuchanMilne).
Cleanup of the way a wifi/net/modem device is detected.The user don't now the name of the module needed for his device. The user only has to choose if insufficient device information is available, see this page for information on how to ensure it is detected correctly
Not all devices are listed, hey even after complaining since I think Mandrake 8.2 D-Link 660 isn't listed. But it works so go figure. See HardwareHowTo#Wifi_wireless_network_cards (BuchanMilne)
This is very messy. Drakconnect should list the info from the device it found and then offer us the possibility to choose out of a list or fill in the name of the module if we know it.
I think XP behaves like this it's searches automatically for a device (default option) but it's possible to override and point to the place where the driver(they call it this way)/module (we call it this way) is located. (GuyForsman).
This should not only cover ethX devices, I wanted to configure my bluetooth device (bnep0), I got it up manually, but then I had to set all settings with a text editor because drakconnect didn't know about it. Drakconnect should support any network device that is already working (and that goes for drakfirewall too - I had to set shorewall up manually to NAT the ppp connection via bnep0) (BuchanMilne).
Add ability to browse Samba & NFS network shares out of the box. Network Neighborhood? (GregorP) Surely smb4k is installed by default, and smb:/ works out-the-box too? For NFS, autofs with allows browsing in /net/hostname (BuchanMilne)
When connecting or disconnecting to PPPoE internet connection, don't ask for root password every time. Tkpppoe has already done this, for it has an option "only allow root to use" or "allow everyone to use".(ShiyuTang)
Provide DHARMA: Distributed Home Agent for Robust Mobile Access as an optional Package (big advantages for mobile users) (DanielZuberbuehler)
Add a sofware as Smb4k (samba) in Mandrake control center to configure exchanges between PC of a local area network (lan) with an interphace graphic. (xmoucheron). diskdrake --smb does this? (BuchanMilne)

[edit] Packages

Suggestion Status
Update libgc to version 6.4. All future releases of Inkscape will require libgc 6.4 or newer, and the next release of Inkscape (0.41) is only a few days away Done
Include HTML graphical editor NVU in default installations, beside Quanta+ NVU is stable ? (LaurentMontel) Partial Done.
Now that Gecko has been ported to Qt/KDE (it's not again ported !) ,set Mozilla Firefox as default internet browser (not under kde environement (LaurentMontel) and set konqueror as default file manager ( Partial Done )
Now that Firefox is set by default, do the same for Thunderbird wich is a complementary program ( ()
Provide 1.9betas in contrib if possible so that people could begin to test it. This version could be strip down of all language and only english language could be provided (as this is the case actually when you download the package on OO website) (FabriceFACORAT) So far, seems to be no (1, 2 )
Create Drakprotect : an homemade GUI/applet that include an antivirus (Klamav ?), a firewall report/configuration tool (kmyfirewall?) and a parental control tool (Dan's Guardian? Squid?) for Mandrake
Include PowerDVD for Linux from Cyberlink in 10.2 PowerPack version, so that people are able to play their encrypted DVD smoothly and legaly on Mandrake e.g. without having to install DeCSS librairies see (not signed). - This would be tacit agreement with the enforcement of software patents. Do you really think a free software operating system should do this? (BuchanMilne)
OpenOffice really needs some templates; find a bunch of free home/office/presentation templates and add them to default OpenOffice package (AustinActon) Integrate some of the templates found on ?
Include and configure clipart-openclipart package ( ) or other cliparts in default installation of This is standard when dealing with Office.(Joris Dedieu)
update default games to be impressive and current (AustinActon)
include KDrive X-Server as Xorg alternative... it's fast and light for older/smaller machines, and it supports screen rotation without logging out (
Review and update all package descriptions, to show more clearly to the uninitiated what installing the package will do for the user. Libraries should not just only show "Libraries for foo", because often "foo" isn't even installed, only libfoo; so description of libfoo should also tell what foo is supposed to accomplish. Also review existing descriptions for the proper use of English. (DickGevers)
Create localised package descriptions (in french, in russian, etc...) in order to be more user friendly
Include FreeNX implentation, see ( a good alternative for remote desktop on poor/low bandwith line, may need some tweaking for rfbdrake (ArnauddeVillele) FreeNx package can be found on Done, see knx package in contribs
Include Java-GNOME to allow for development of GNOME/GTK programs with Java and gcj (ReinoutVanSchouwen)
Include a script to install the urpmi package and it's depencies and include it in the "packages" section in mcc because it's a very common situation when someone upgrading mandrake and in the update urpmi package get lost No. I never losed urpmi in any upgrade. And if it happens, it is a bug that should be addressed
Include RealPlayer 10 instead of too-old RealPlayer 8 in MDK 10.2 PowerPack. RealPlayer 8 neither supports languages other than western languages nor supports new RealMedia files. (ShiyuTang)

[edit] RPMDrake

Suggestion Status
merge installation and uninstallation. In fact think of rpmdrake as a tool to managed ALL the software available for the system (installed or not) (FabriceFACORAT). Take a look at synaptic. This is the way I would like rpmdrake to work like. (FrankKoester) See synaptic, and smart ( DONE )
Since rpmdrake-remove is the main GUI way of browsing through installed packages, show ALL installed packages, and gray out packages that cannot be uninstalled. ATM they arn't shown at all (BjornAhlstrom)
improve rpmdrake startup time, and more generally hdlist parsing time (FabriceFACORAT)
use a sqlite backend to store packages list and information instead of flat text file to improve rpmdrake performance? (FabriceFACORAT)
display changelog, package file list, readmi.urpmi notice in their own tab (FabriceFACORAT)
menu support in order to remove some buttons (update media one for example) (FabriceFACORAT)
ability to set some configuration options : default sort criteria, disable rpm verification, set/configure parallel mode (FabriceFACORAT)
Allow user to see already installed packages with Rpmdrake ! possible in remove part (FabriceFACORAT) [ _Current item moved to here from Drakxtools_ (DickGevers) ] Being done ATM
Improve search filter - i.e. all update from this media - (AngeloNaselli)
Automatically set up media after install from CDs/local/NFS : add main, contrib, but also club mirrors for club members, with a tool that lists and picks up closest mirror (EricFernandez). All media available during install (now including via ISO) are already added. How do you determine which mirror is closest???? (BuchanMilne) This could be done by: country names in URL, ping. This could advantageously be combined with support for several mirrors for the same media, so that when a mirror is unavailable, it tries another mirror (there may be a problem if mirrors are not synchronised though, hdlist and file availability checks are necessary) (EricFernandez). This is foremost a mirror infrastrucure problem (BuchanMilne)
Add the category (networking / WWW for example) in which lie the RPM when maximal informations is checked (FlorentCHANTRET)
Add a "reinstall" feature to urpmi so that when files get accidentally deleted, one can reinstall an rpm without getting a "Package already installed" message. Add this feature to rpmdrake (e.g. click on a package twice) (emmanuelmoll). Yes, I test a lot on my system and sometimes a file is gone. At the moment I have to uninstall this package with the "--nodeps" command and reinstall it. This possibility would ease the use of Mandrakelinux in a lot of cases. (FrankKoester)
Similar to my previous idea, have a "global reinstall" that will just reinstall all the rpms already installed (useful in case of partial filesystem crash) (emmanuelmoll) Seems sensible to me (SamuelVerschelde)
One big problem I encounter is that files are big (~25 MiB each), and files are not enough useful. Then, we have to choose between having huge and frequent downloads, or small download with not so much informations... So, why not making urpmi acting like this :

* using only files to get index (fast download)
* implementing a web interface in drakrpm, so that it can retrieve package information (on demand) from some server elsewhere, without downloading all the packages descriptions
* download supplementary information (logo, screenshots, etc.) on a header-per-header basis in rpmdrake

For example : clicking on "Gimp" package in drakrpm would download its package description (with a local cache, so it can be retrieved later, until next urpmi.update) and show it. What would be great too would be to add a logo and screenshot(s) of the program, and a link to its website. Something more user friendly in fact!

This would mean bandwidth optimisation, since only needed descriptions would be downloaded, and not all the description all the time.

And for those who don't like changing, just keep a "dinosaurs option", so they can still use drakrpm/urpmi like they were used to, without crying after logical evolution :-) (Manchot)
Add a deselect_all button. Currently the quickest way to deselect all the checked packages is to restart Rpmdrake. (Malo Denielou)
The software manager must be more easy, going to the matter because a lot of new user are lost with it. Use îcone or color for differentiate the package of library, devel, interface, core software, etc... The choice is good but too much choice can be disturbing then filter the display of library, etc.. for the base user(who don't bother about it). Same thing for update manager.
When we chose the a core software, it should prupose to use default package (interface+library) or permit to let the user choose. For the user's choose it should prupose all the interface(fore use and configuration, etc..) and library for the core in a list. The package for the default installation must be bold and the package already installed must be in italic. it should grep the package when we must chose one betwen them with a select box and check box for the facultive package (xine codex,etc...).
For dont be lost the list should be open in the same window with in the header the list in tab of the list of package(like the lateral bar of mozilla) but without be able to select them before close the children list. Same thing for the interface as for core software(some can switch between core). (na1234567)

[edit] DrakXTools

Suggestion Status
Add menu support to draktools. this will allow to remove mosts of the actual buttons. For this we should be able to dynamically edit drakconf menu (FabriceFACORAT)
Redesign some drakxtools to make them more coherent and also support several devices configuration. IMHO the following tools should be redesigned: draksound, drakx11, draktv, drakmouse, drakscanner, drakuser (FabriceFACORAT)
Its woeful drakmouse cant also adjust tracking and double-click speed, third mouse-buttons, jump to default dialog buttons (
In the Hardware sections of MCC, merge the 3 display configuration tools "Monitor", "Screen Resolution" and "Display". They are all calling XFdrake and can easily be merged. The "Display" icon can do the job of the "Monitor" icon by selecting a monitor. The "Display" icon can do the job of the "Screen Resolution" icon by selecting a different screen resolution, but not yet change color settings
NIS and LDAP support for userdrake : adding a user directly updates NIS map/LDAP (FabriceFACORAT)
drakselinux tool : begin support for selinux and provide a tool to do this. IMHO this tool should be web based like webmin/swat. (FabriceFACORAT)
Logdrake: enhance/redraw interface with something similar to:
Review PrinterDrake ergonomy. It is not usable by Aunt Tillie
Move the email alert system from logdrake where it is hiden to create a new tool or move it to drakxservices where people could select to monitor by email each services
drakTermServ: Redo PXE support. Use hardware autodetection/configuration like the Move products (store keyed off MAC address?). Redo user interaced into tabbed format. (StewBenedict)
drakhotkey: Design a tool to allow the user to define extra notebook keys and actions and/or match to an existing configuration in hotkeys package. (StewBenedict). But, there are already other tools for this ... khotkeys/kmilo, and some GNOME thingy too (BuchanMilne)
drakacpi: Design a tool to let the user define actions for ACPI events. It would be nice to be able to add custom DSDTs, but they require Intel's compiler. (StewBenedict) Yes, yes, yes. This and more. (I can help.) See for ideas. (AustinActon)
_Original item moved from here to section rpmdrake_
XFDrake: Simplify "X at startup" choice (see Image:bug_small.png Bug #7271)
help me finish DrakRoam2005 (select daemon, static net setup) and move it into mcc (AustinActon)
Setup X for rotation when available (nv driver for example). Rotating LCD's are becoming quite popular. (AustinActon)
Drakxservices : order services by "categories" as it is during mandrake's installation : system, internet servers, etc... (SamuelVerschelde)
Drakxservices : Rewrite services descriptions in order to give more information about what the service do. Add messages like "If you don't now what you are doing leave this service activated because it is needed for your system to work correctly" (udev, harddrake, kheader...) (SamuelVerschelde). These descriptions are in the packages themselves, file bugs on the individual packages (BuchanMilne)
Create a DrakViSudo to configure sudo rights more restrictive than ALL=ALL. For use in combination with sudo authorised urpmi and mcc (SimonOosthoek). BTW, sudo since 10.1 has LDAP support, which makes it a lot easier to deploy sudo rules ... (BuchanMilne)
DrakBoot : do distinction between Dos/Windows and other OS who have got their own bootloader. At present time, we have the choice between "Linux" and "Other OS". Split the latter in two. (See Image:bug_small.png Bug #12307) (SamuelVerschelde)
Make a tool to set the same resolution to both KDE and GNOME. That's because KDE respects X's resolution, but GNOME always set it to 96 dpi, they are always not the same. This makes KDE applications' font size different from GNOME's. That's very ugly. More discuss here: (ShiyuTang)
When selecting resolution there should also be an option to set dpi. (GregorP)
Don't change the theme for Mandrakelinux Control Center from time to time. That makes users felling annoying. A theme like version 9.2 or 10.2 is wonderful. (ShiyuTang)
Create a GUI to succeed drakfloppy making it easy to generate a boot CD for current (or more?) kernel(s) available on the system (drakbootcd ?). If too late, ph for 10.3 (DickGevers)
XFdrake: "Monitor" & "Screen Resolution" should recognize true Multi-head setup: Each/every screen needs its own widget. A setting for DPI on each recognized screen would make usage of ML much nicer if it could become the "default" for the entire system(Gnome DPI widget can only set default for all screens.). (FrederickJohnson)
mousedrake/drakmouse(interactive.gtk treelist):Categorize by type and number of buttons(supportable). Why?: Names, like Microsoft Explorer, mean nothing to the end user unless they have that specific input device but everybody can count. Mice often come with 4(top&side)+3(wheel) buttons these days but there is no customization for those. A widget to customize all the buttons would be great. Also, the resolution is a supportable paramenter. There should be anOther category for "Tablets" and tablet-like input devices. (FrederickJohnson)

[edit] URPMI

Suggestion Status
Something like automatic mirrors. It is a big trouble to find a functionally, fast mirror for all the packages, so an automatic mirror system that checks (pings) the speed of a mirror before choosing one may be a very nice tool ([email protected])
Create a liburpmi for other developers to embed the urpmi core or create urpmi-frontends more easily. It could provide methods for calling the different installation steps (init, download, signing tests, prepare to install, install) (OlivierServe) There is perl-Urpm (MichaelScherer ),and perl-Hdlist DONE.
"Merge rpmdrake, rpmdrake-remove and edit-urpm-media" so that you do not have to refresh RPMs list each time you access rpmdrake or rpmdrake-remove
Improve graphical RPM installations with gurpmi (see Image:bug_small.png Bug #11952) DONE
Add support for multiple mirrors for the same media. There may be a problem if mirrors are not synchronised though, hdlist and file availability checks are necessary. (EricFernandez)
Make it easy to install a urpmi source from a link in the web, follow the style of bit torrent and xml file pointing to the source that is installed automaticly if executed with urpmi.addmedia or rpmdrake (LuisAlves). (AFAIK this is already possible? Search the archives for gc's post (BuchanMilne)
Allow urpmi or drakrpm* to download a list of all urpmi feeds from mandrake and allow the user to select the one's he want's to add. This should be done thru a wizard. (LuisAlves) DONE, in edit-urpm-media
Unify drakrpm remove, insert, update into one tools, if this is not possible at least have a icon bar in each of tools to jump from install to romove, to update, to edit sources. (LuisAlves)
suport download of rpm with P2P (bittorrent). The index fille could contain bittorrent entrys (JernejSrebrnic) Works in progress for apt under the form of a proxy ( )
Official support of urpmi.setup. Add media (FTP mirrors) from (NicolasRICHARD) I know people who have dropped MDK because of the lack of an *official* mirror selection tool. Why urpmi.setup? Why easyurpmi? Wouldn't it be easier and more logical to integrate them both into edit-urpm-media? (AustinActon) There is a tool similar to easyurpmi at the club. and edit-urpm-media does it now. DONE.
Create a program that selects the fastest urpmi servers. (GregorP) In that way everybody will try to use the same, which then becomes the slowest. Catch22 :) (DickGevers) Actualy if they would check the speed of the same server at the same time it would actualy be the slowest. :) (GregorP)
Allow more mirrors for create the update_source; for example not Spanish mirrors appears to be selected the first time you run Mandrakeupdate, and for a Spanish user the cica or rediris mirrors are faster than those from other countries (Francisco Alcaraz)
Add an option to urpmi.update in aim to show which packages could be updated, for example, as "kernel- => kernel-". (BorisFAURE) Done : urpmq --auto-select
By default use sudo for mcc and urpmi (SimonOosthoek)
Display how much needs to be downloaded when using urpmi with online sources in addition to how much needs to be installed. EX: "To satisfy dependencies, the following packages are going to be installed (X MB - need to download X MB)" (ZeroDogg) Not easy, rpm/hdlists only contain installed size, not package size.
Make question visible even if there are many packages that need to be installed / removed / updated (e.g. display question at the end / use command "less" or something similar). (GregorP)
Make upgrading distribution more reliable (e.g. urpmi should handle situations when package is renamed / file is moved into another package). (GregorP). I totally agree. Urpmi (or a new program, say "urpmi.upgradedistrib") should be able to go from a stable A version to a stable B version, with similar results to those who would be obtained by a fresh install. It's probably a lot of work, but it's worth the effort. A the time the "Ugrade distrib" proposal when you insert a mdk intall CD is almost useless for beginners (because inevitably there is at least one thing that doesn't work anymore). (SamuelVerschelde) Done with Obsoletes, Provides. We cannot have the same as a fresh install if we upgrade, since we keep the config files. Maybe what we need is more upgrade report before it is is too late.(who?) File bugs on the individual packages, this should *not* be worked around with some other tool. Unfortunately, there is the issue with -devel packages when major has changed ... (BuchanMilne)
Make the /var/log/urpmi.log syslog compliant (for use with e.g. logwatch). Basically use the "<date> <host> urpmi: <message>" format where <message> are useful messages such as: "called with..", "downloaded ftp://.../<package>.rpm", "installed <package>...", "removed..", "successfully updated media <media name>" and "failed to update media...".
Replace "Everything is already installed" in urpmi with "The package(s) are already installed". (ZeroDogg) DONE
Reduce the size of hdlist. 20MB is too big for many users. (ShiyuTang) There is synthesis for that ( MichaelScherer).
Make urpmi.update obsolete. URPMI should check every time if hdlist is up to date and download changes (!), if it is not. (GregorP) No!!!! This is why yum is totoally useless to me. If you want a tool like this that is broken, use yum. And done using --virtual, for local mirror. ( ??? ) Why would this make it useless? (GregorP)
Include a way for packages that are installed with perl's CPAN to be registered as being installed for purposes of required dependancies. (BrianMoore)
Warn of the possible consequences when some packages are removed (often) accidentaly. For example, KDEbase should not be removable without any warning as "You are going to remove your main windows manager. This could prevent you from using Mandrakelinux correctly. Are you sure you want to continue?" (ThomasCanniot) Partialy done, see BUG 14870

[edit] Internationalization

Suggestion Status
BIDI (RTL language). I think that it will be a very good idea to test (try to fix) MDK to support RTL language (LaurentMontel) Already done (but tools' banners) (ThierryVignaud)
Use fonts-ttf-dejavu instead of fonts-ttf-vera by default (it's vera fonts plus additional glyphs for cyrillic, slave, ... characters from Owen and BePa fonts) (ThierryVignaud)
Updated Chinese font by firefly. (FundaWang) Done
Various Chinese fonts be packed into contrib: and its devel subdir.
Provide an infrastructure for translators to work on help files/documentation. Investigate po4a for creating .po from man pages etc. (ReinoutVanSchouwen) Done
Patch akito's patch for Freetype. Now Freetype doesn't deal with CJK fonts well, and also doesn't support bold type of them. SuSE 9.2 has already patched it and it now has more beautiful effect than before! I hope you will patch it soon. See for more information. You may need Japanese Linux Community's help. (ShiyuTang) No need for freetype.
Installation in Spanish the default language that appears to be selected is "Spanish from America"; it would be better a selection starting in the continents or that mentioned in this section starting with a world map.(Francisco Alcaraz)
Provide all available languages for firefox (FrankKoester) and thunderbird (Eric Piel). FF: cs, de, fr, es, it, nb and sk are DONE
Have Unicode (utf-8) selected by default at install (Eric Piel).
Make it possible to select a fallback language durring the installation. Currently the only fallback language is English. (GregorP)

[edit] Testing Procedures

Suggestion Status
Give more test procedures in TestzillaHowto
Automatic test procedures in TestzillaHowto (FredericLepied) in progress
provide a bugzilla for club packages. If there's a bug, it's actually very difficult to say it and mdkclub site/forum is a little bit ... too much cluttered (FabriceFACORAT)
Weekly regression test. For this : (FabriceFACORAT)
provide tools for the regression test so that contributors/cookers could run them
test the release on HP/Compaq servers or at least with a HP/Compaq RAID card (cciss) to ensure mdk support the largest server seller (franck) Please test other solutions first (see above) (BuchanMilne)
performance test (filesystem I/O, network I/O, memory I/O, swap behaviour)
provide a list of application and test to do. The test should be done each time the application is updated. This will help to track down regression because people tend to see only bugs affecting their normal usage. If no contributors/tester use a feature/have specific usage of the application, a bug affecting this part will not be detected or too late during the Community period or even worst after the Official release. Take the case of k3b:
open k3b
detected drivers (SCSI, IDE, SATA ones)
CD-R burning (no mutisession, multisession, DAO, TAO, iso9660/Joliet/Misc mode, audio CD creation)
CD-RW burning (idem)
DVD+RW and DVD-RW burning
interface behaviour (file Drag&Drop from Konqueror/Nautilus)
all mdk tools should at least been test this way. Some people could be volunteer to test some features and each time mdktools are updated, they should test if there's no regression for their features. I'm thinking especially about speedtouch/sagem support in drakconnect wich has been broken/fixed/broken/fixed/...
DrakX also need to be test like this, especially less used features like text installation, network installation, hd installation, RAID/LVM set up/upgrade
kernel test and stress is useful and needed in order to provide a stable and solid kernel : ,
Add automatic error reporting functionality drakbug?
Bug reporters should know what is happening with bugs that have been confirmed. They should know who should fix this problems (e.g. mandrake / kde project ...), is there a deadline when this problem should be fixed (e.g. before Community / Official / next release ...) or why there is no deadline (e.g problem affects very few people / it is very difficult to fix ...) (GregorP)
Testing procedures for laptops e.g. things that HAVE TO work: hibernate (swsusp2 will make it a breath) and throttling and wireless (if WIFI integrated). Things that COULD work: suspend to RAM, other features... (emmanuelmoll)
Create test sheets for computers a la linux laptop and integrate into qa.mandrakesoft. What I mean is that each qa user can enter X number of test machine and complete their full specifications online and then report on what works, doesn't work (emmanuelmoll)
Users should be able to add their own tests to TestzillaHowto. (GregorP)

[edit] Release Procedure

Suggestion Status
Include version freezes of typical software in the release plan at Mandriva Linux 2005 (like Mandrakelinux 10.1) So that requests for KDE version XXX don't turn into flamewars, but can be stopped by referencing that page on the wiki (SimonOosthoek) Partialy done, see Mandriva Linux 2005
Try to release an 10.2RC2 version before 10.2 Community. YES, I totally agree with him. And I think we need more time between Community and Offical to catch and fix bugs.(ShiyuTang)
More agressive updates for community branch. Some applications should be more agressively updated ( mozilla, firefox, OpenOffice, koffice, thunderbird, kopete/gaim especially if IM protocols keep changing every 3 months ) (FabriceFACORAT)

[edit] Mirrors

Suggestion Status
more mirrors "http" to use "urpmi"(comment: there seems to be an issue with putting a DVD iso image on http/ftp. Since the size is over 2GB, the file is not served properly (only ~380MB visible/downloadable). Bittorrent may be the only choice for these images.(JaroslawZachwieja))
Offer http or ftp access with password to Club members for downloading Mandrakelinux Offical ISOs. Some countries or ISP forbid people using BitTorrent. (ShiyuTang) (same comment for DVDs applies) Done already
Allow corporate and academic customers to access the final (Official) images ASAP after release. This allows them to test early adoptions that later drive the sales. In the end, there are more benefits to Mandriva from distributing early and getting more orders from regular users (they will buy the Discovery and PP editions if they see new and flashy desktop at the University / at work). Think indirect marketing. (JaroslawZachwieja)
Provide commercial update medium for commercial package upgrades using the club access system. It's rediculous that people avoid upgrading the kernel because then the NVIDIA support is gone. So when the kernel is updated the commercial drivers should be updated there as well. DKMS is too new still to solve this, I think... (SimonOosthoek)

[edit] Maintainer status

Suggestion Status
easier to change relay address (AustinActon)

[edit] Documentation

Suggestion Status
Take screenshots using only default Mandrakelinux's theme and not over themes. Users should see in documentation same thing as they can see on their screens
Slice drakxtools documentation in tinier chunks so that each help entry in the control center has its own help HTML page
Create an OS overview application that briefly present default installed applications to newbies. It would be nice to launch at first boot after installation. To be short, something that would look like this : . Try to remember the first time you launched your Linux box and wondered "what the hell means XMMS,K3B or Konqueror" ? :-) Yes. When I first used Linux, I really didn't know how to do. Microsoft's way to introduce an OS to newbie is good. (ShiyuTang)
This first tour/presentation could be in flash or animated gif and quickly presents the system, main components (file manager, desktop config tool and its menu location, system config tool and its menu location, browser/mail/office application and menu location, club and mdkonline features) (FabriceFACORAT)
If it is a flash animation you need to make sure the flash player is installed. This probably excludes the Download Edition. Maybe a normal webpage would be a better idea? (JaroslawZachwieja). No, see swfdec (in main) (BuchanMilne)
Write server & reference documentation. (GregorP)
Update all official manuals content: see IdeasForMandrakelinuxDoc102 (CamilleBegnis)

[edit] Security

Suggestion Status
Please clarify the description of kernel-secure by explaining a little more about why/how it is more SECURE.
Mandrakesoft needs a document somewhere explaining the MDK way of using the SELinux and/or mandatory access control lists and other secure implementations unique to kernel-secure. Maybe it could be part of Chapter 14 Security for the Reference manual and Chapter 17 in the Starter Guide. ...?
Please set default firewall Shorewall to always be ON for the first boot. It can be initially setup with no access to all servers so they have to be manually chosen. That allows internet access for system updates, etc. but protects all boxes/clients until the server(s) can be configured. At the very least, it should be on for any system that is set to also start the internet (WWW) connections at boot. (FrederickJohnson)
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