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Mandriva Linux Ports

Mandriva Linux doesn't just run on the Intel x86 architecture.


[edit] i586

This architecture is officially supported by Mandriva.

IRC (i586): #mandriva-cooker @

ML (i586): [email protected]

[edit] x86_64

This architecture is officially supported by Mandriva.

ML (x86_64): [email protected]

[edit] ia64

Latest version is 8.1, not maintained at this time.

[edit] PPC

See also PPC Port

Maintainers (ppc)

  • Olivier Thauvin (rebuilds since 9.1)
  • Christiaan Welvaart (build problem solving, rebuilds for main, 10.1 release)
  • Danny Tholen (kernel work, bug solving)
  • Emmanuel Blindauer (sync-ing contrib packages)

IRC (ppc): #mandriva-ppc @

ML (ppc): [email protected] (Searchable Archives)

Web pages with misc packages and info (ppc):

Installer Testing Script:

cd /home/stew/gi-build/perl-install
export SHARE_PATH=/home/stew/build/gi/perl-install/share
Xnest -fp "unix/:-1" -once -geometry 800x600+100+100 -name "DrakX!" :1 &
export DISPLAY=:1
#./install2 --test --expert --step configureXBefore
./install2 --test
killall Xnest

Club Forum (ppc): Forum

Available Hosts (ppc):

  • Titanium G4 500 Mhz, Mandrake 9.1, 512MB of RAM (chroot for cooker + plf packages) hosted and managed by OlivierThauvin
  • iBook G4 1066MHz, Cooker, 768MB RAM (2 cooker chroots for package building) operated by ChristiaanWelvaart
  • Mac Mini 1.25Ghz 512Mo, running cooker and rebuild done (an iurt2 rebuilding out of sync packages, and an iurt which gets pushed packages from the BuildSystem) operated by EmmanuelBlindauer

[edit] PPC64

No info available.

[edit] Sparcv9

Sparc port has had some changes to base system, all packages will now be built for sparcv9 in stead of sparcv7 as before and only a few selected 64 bit packages (sparc64) will be built as needed, they will both live together in the same repository. Due to this change just recently was made on mirrors too, packages has not been rebuilt and made it to mirrors yet. Please be patient. :)

Maintainers (sparcv9):

  • OlivierThauvin
  • PerOyvindKarlsen

IRC (sparc): #mandriva-ports @

[edit] XBOX

The Mandriva XBOX port has it's own dedicated page.

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