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Things I've learned to do with Konqueror (All this works in Konqueror in kde 3.0 or newer, some may work in older versions. Independent of MDK version.)


[edit] How I learned to love "da bomb"

Konqueror is kool you've heard said a number of times. However most view it as simply being a browser and nothing more. Did you know it can be used as an emergency e-mail reader? Or that it can be used as a remote file manager via ssh? Neither did I for a long time. But as it turns out a lot of this has been available in Konq since 2.0, just not well documented. Much of this I first found with this article.

The following link is outdated; please replace if you know with what: target="tux" - Breaking the Network Barrier

So I decided to dig in. This is what I've found.

First to initialize all of this open kcontrol Menu > System > Configuration > Configure Your Desktop and open Components > File Manager and click on the third tab. You can initialize all of this by clicking the two top boxes (Internet Protocols, Local Protocols) or by individually choosing what you want. This will give you a good start.

More of what can be done if you go in kcontrol to the Information -- Protocols section. The items on the left could be Konqueror accessable and to find out if they are click on the item and see what the docs say.

Some examples from the article above.

  • audiocd:/ - A powerful tool to browse and play tracks on audio CDs. Includes transparent encoding into MP3 and OGG when dragging tracks off the CD.
  • devices:/ - Presents a list of storage devices on the system, allowing browsing, mounting, unmounting, and other sorts of device manipulation.
  • info:/ - Provides a very clean, easy-to-use interface to GNU info pages.
  • man:/ - Provides access to the entire system manual.
  • perldoc:/ - Provides access to the PERL manual, for PERL programmers.
  • settings:/ - A mechanism to configure your KDE desktop from any place that accepts URLs.
  • trash:/ - In KDE 3.4, will provide direct access to your trash bin.
  • tar:/path/filename and zip:/path/filename - Browse into TAR and ZIP files without unpacking them, opening a command prompt, or opening a packaging application. You can even edit the archive as though it were unpackaged!

I've also found the following fun to try.

  • mac:/ Access hpfs files (for those using Linux on PPC)
  • locate:/ Not as full featured as the command line (you can't combine grep etc. with it.) but it reads the locate db. Get the code for this on
  • devices:/ Want a quick way to mount and access devices connected to your comp?
  • Want more? is starting to see new I/O slave apps being built .... or.... build your own.

The next group are network protocols.

  • fish:/ This one is great. You have a full file manager on a remote ssh enabled box without installing and worrying about extra "security" holes. Left a file at home? Use this to get in, find it and bring it to work without ftp and already knowing where it is.
  • smb:/ browse samba shares.
  • nfs:/ browse nfs shares
  • pop3, pop3s, imap, imaps:/ Instant e-mail reader!
  • ftp:/ sftp:/ For those who have it. an ftp or sftp client
  • webdavs, webdav:/ Access your webdav share
  • ldap, ladaps:/ Browse an LDAP share without a hassle.

There are more like pythondoc:/ etc.: I'll leave it to you to find what you want and need. Personally fish, man, and info, are my favorites by far.

Additional tips:

Remember to save the profile under Settings > Save View Profile > File Management to make any of the following changes permanent.

[edit] Folders that show what's in them

Need to know what's in a folder without having to remember what kind of files you store there? Then choose to have the folders in konqueror give you a hint in the form of a small icon on the icon. Click View > Folder icons reflect contents. Now there will be a small addon to the icon that shows you what kind of content it has.

[edit] Preview that content

Do you have a ton of files in a folder like mp3's etc. Want a fast way to find out if it is what you want? Imgages etc can be done this way. Choose View > Preview and chose those items with a click that you want to be able to preview. Now when you mouse over an mp3, image etc a quick "preview" will show up or play as long as you are moused over.

[edit] Need more room for file names?

Are your file names longer than konqueror will display? Then go to Settings > Configure Konqueror . Then click on the Appearance Icon on the left. In the window that opens on the right chose the roller for "Height for icon text:" This will set the max number of lines konqueror will use before it does the ..... trail.

[edit] Different looks for different uses

I like to know that I'm in file manager mode at a glance. If you choose View then via the last line Configure Background , you can set either a colour or an image to be your background in the file manager.

[edit] Fun with Fish (odor free even)

Ever been in a situation where you can get into 2 different boxes .... you need to move a file between them but the two boxes can't see each other, and you can see both of them? Fish is your friend. First open Konq as a file manager (if you open it as a www browser no problem.). Now in the url bar enter fish://box-a.tld/home/me (or whatever the box IP or domain name is and the directory you want to see when you start.) Now on the top menu go to Window > Split View Left Right (you may choose top bottom if your boat floats that way.) This will open a second "frame" to the right with the same view as the first. Click anywhere in the right hand window then click in the url bar and enter. fish://box-b.tld/home/you (or whatever is correct). Now comes the easy part ... drag any file from the left to the right, konq will ask you if you want to copy or move the file .... make your choice, sit back and relax. This is btw a 2 way street ... files can be copied or moved in both directions. In fact now that you have 2 windows if you choose to split both of them top to bottom... yep you guessed it. You can drag and drop between 4 different boxes with your box as the "bridge" that connects them all.

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