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RPM Packages for Mandriva Linux
  • easyurpmi - Easy urpmi config for Mandriva Linux: Easily add repositories of software to your Mandriva Control Center.
  • Penguin Liberation Front (PLF) - More applications not bundled with Mandriva Linux, focused mainly on those that can't be included for legal reasons.
  • - Find rpms, even by partial name.
  • RPMFind - A database of RPM packages for applications/libraries not found in Mandriva-specific repositories.
  • - news, forum, downloads, including 'fortune' random sig generators

[edit] What is Cooker and How Do I Use It

Mandriva's development version of the next Mandriva Linux release is called Cooker. The purpose of Cooker is to improve the Mandriva Linux distribution by permitting a better interaction between the development team and the Mandriva users, both for debugging and adding new features. It is an entire distro unto itself, that is constantly in flux and sometimes cannot even be installed because it is broken itself because of incompatibilities.

[edit] What Cooker Isn't

Cooker is not the place to get all the latest releases of software for the stable release. You should not try to install cooker packages on a stable release. Cooker rpms are incompatible because they are compiled against libraries that are not available on your stable release installation. Installing Cooker RPMs could break your system, you have been warned.

If you still aren't scared off by the dire warnings and disclaimers and you want to try to run Cooker, or you simply want to know more, proceed to the Cooker HOWTO for further instructions.

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