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Hardware: Cameras

Cameras can appear as hard drives, or can be accessed with the Picture Transfer Protocol (PTP). In trying to access my Sony F-707 camera, I found that the hard drive method was unreliable... on the surface, it appears that one can't mix memory sizes. I initially connected the camera with a 64MB memory stick and found that the 32MB and 128MB sticks were not accessible. Later, I tried gtkam (gphoto2) using PTP and this seemed to work more reliably; though gtkam could stand to be a tad more intuitive.

Note: xD storage cards are a format jointly developed by FujiFilm and Olympus. xD cameras were not supported in 2.4 kernels before 2.4.21


[edit] Canon Powershot

[edit] A80

  • Works on 10.0 with gphoto2 (gphoto2 2.1.4, libgphoto2 2.1.4, libgphoto2_port 0.5.1). I use these commands:
    • Get all:
      gphoto2 -P or gphoto2 --port=usb: --camera "Canon PowerShot A80 (normal mode)" -P
    • List all:
      gphoto2 --port=usb: --camera "Canon PowerShot A80 (normal mode)" -L
    • Delete all:
      gphoto2 -D -R or gphoto2 --port=usb: --camera "Canon PowerShot A80 (normal mode)" -D -R
    • Capture image:
      gphoto2 --camera "Canon PowerShot A80 (PTP)" --port=usb: --capture-image
  • Some trouble on 10.2
    • Deleting all takes a long time
    • Listing usually doesn't work. The error messages have been experienced by others (google), but I haven't taken the time to figure them out yet.

[edit] FujiFilm FinePix

[edit] FujiFilm FinePix S304

  • An xD card camera, requires kernel 2.4.21 or later, but works well. With 2005LE download edition the mounting gave a desktop icon, making access easy. Updating to the Club edition, with kernel kernel- broke that, and I could no longer access the camera. Updates to hal and udev were required, plus a change to kernel- All works well again.

[edit] FujiFilm FinePix1300

  • Requires recent 2.4.x kernel. This camera uses USB-mass storage. Mount as a SCSI hard disk (sda1, for example) with a vfat filesystem. Easiest setup is to reboot with camera connected/on and let harddrake detect it. Once mounted, files will be in /dcim/100_fuji.

[edit] FujiFilm FinePix S5500

  • An xD card camera, works with kernel 2.6.8 and probably others. Supports mass storage, so an icon will pop up on your desktop when you connect the usb cable.

[edit] Kodak

[edit] Kodak DX6340 USB

  • The DX6340 works flawlessly with Mandriva 9.1 and gphoto/gphoto2. It is detected as a "USB PTP Class Camera". PTP stands for Picture Transfer Protocol and is a standard that is followed by many cameras in the market currently. It works so well, as a matter of fact, that it works BETTER and more RELIABLY than on my Win2K box at work. The only catch that I hit at first was a permissions problem. gphoto2 reads and writes /proc/bus/usb/* directly, so the user needs to be a part of group "usb" in order for the gphoto/gphoto2 drivers to control the camera. Once in the group, it worked with no further tweaking required.

[edit] BenQ

[edit] DC-2410

  • This camera uses USB-mass storage (SCSI over USB). Requires a recent 2.4.x kernel. Mounts as a SCSI hard disk.

[edit] Olympus

[edit] Olympus C 740 Ultra Zoom

  • Works excellent in 9.1 and 9.2. It uses a xD memory card as a mass-storage device. I just plug the camera into an USB port, and if supermount is active a mount/camera icon will pop up - at least in KDE. Clicking this icon will open the xD card in a file manager, ready to use. Of course, if supermount is absent, one can mount the card manually.

[edit] Olympus C1000

  • Downloads only by serial link. Works well with gphoto.

[edit] Olympus C60

  • Works fine with 10.1. Mounts and looks like a drive. Konqueror gives additional info about each picture. Uses xD cards.

[edit] Sony

[edit] Sony DSC-W1/W12

  • Using LE2005 - Digikam recognises it as DSC-F707V in PTP mode. I turn it on, plug it in, and open digikam, and it works fine. ACPI had to be enabled in MCC "boot options" for USB devices to be recognised.

[edit] Sony DSC-P200

  • Uses Memory Stick Pro as USB mass storage. On Mandriva 2006.0 Official it is detected and mounted has a SCSI drive (/dev/sdaN).

[edit] Useful Links

[edit] Digital Camera Review Sites

[edit] Camera Quality

It would be nice to have a standardized test for background image noise generated by a camera; but alas... so here's some image fragments from different cameras showing the [lack of] noise in various cameras.

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