From Mandriva Community Wiki
[edit] Privoxy
Privoxy is a web proxy with advanced filtering capabilities for protecting privacy, filtering web page content, managing cookies, controlling access, and removing ads, banners, pop-ups and other obnoxious Internet junk. Privoxy has a very flexible configuration and can be customized to suit individual needs and tastes. Privoxy has application for both stand-alone systems and multi-user networks.
Privoxy is based on Internet Junkbuster (tm). Privoxy is basically a proxy filter that is setup to filter out specific types of html content. Such things as pop-up windows, pop-under windows, banner ads, cookies, intrusive or malicious javascript, etc. Running privoxy will make some web sites not work correctly, if you trust the web site in question, you can set your browser to bypass the proxy server for that web site, or you can alter the privoxy rules to allow that specific content.
Editing rules is NOT a simple matter. Avoiding the proxy for specific sites is very easy with most browsers. Also, privoxy includes a web based control mechanism that allows you to enable and disable the proxy at will, so for a specific site, you can turn disable privoxy for a short period and then reenable it to regain its protection.
Privoxy can be downloaded here: and this is also the homepage of the development effort. Please also check the User Manual and FAQ under Documentation. Installation is very easy, requiring very little configuration to begin using privoxy.