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[edit] IRIS
IRIS is the code name of a project aiming at enhancing the Club RPM catalogue.
[edit] Enhancements of the current Club RPM catalogue
- search across all distrib versions
- see related bugs + forum threads
- see the list of source files
- load a source file
- Possibility to enter wiki descriptions attached to the extracted data.
- Search separately for package for package description
- système où lors de la réponse la liste de réponse (de packages) apparaît dans un encadré, avec un highlight sur le package où on est, de manière à pouvoir passer d'une description à l'autre sans revenir à la page de résultat.
[edit] Ideas
- IRIS should be totally free (software) opposed to CnR which has a proprietary backend you're locked to use the free client/api against.
- This would also help ease maintenance, increase visibility, adoption etc. (in contrast to CnR which few actullay adopts with it's proprietary backend lockin..)
- Selling packages of new, free software for stable releases has already proven as a less succesfull businiss while also hurting company/distribution image
- Provide non-free (as in both beer and speech) software to club users to give actual added benefit and not just packaged, non-free software you can find packages for in third party repositories or download tarballs/installers directly from vendor
- Provide club exclusive features
- Something related to NEPOMUK as the club platform is to be used for NEPOMUK(?)
- Newsletter and/or some automatic service to keep users updated with *relevant* news based on various things
- Support for sharing data with other similar services as CnR, klik etc. to have more ratings, better feedback, comments and any other relevant data
- Support for metalinks (planned support in urpmi already?) to allow for easy downloading and installation of correct packages
- Much of the content should be user modifiable to help improve and distribute maintenance. Such data could also be put back into distribution and upstream (ie. translations, improved desccriptions, summaries etc.)
- Link package info from bugzilla, community wiki, various other documentation etc.
- Varrious ratings like popularity rating by installations & user ratings, qa ratio(ie. think bugzilla), health ratio (ie. based on upstream activity)
[edit] Links
- Debian package web sheet example:
- CNR:'N'Run
- klik:
- A free software download with support for metalinks
History: the content above contains contributions from Per Øyvind, Arnaud and Stéphane, initially written on the Club platform.