From Mandriva Community Wiki
[edit] Alternative open source drivers for ATI graphics cards
Hi, I don't understand these 2 sentences, I guess there's a typo or mistake somewhere, could you check ?
Three particular cards that have been tested by users and reported to work well will use the avivo driver by default.
2. Here, I don't understand why they will likely be installed on a default installation... I thought they are NOT installed by default, but only included in the distribution.
If you have an r500 or r600 chipset-based card and would like to experiment with the avivo or radeonhd drivers, you may install the packages if necessary (they will likely be installed already on a default installation)
[edit] drakloop is still alive !
I don't understand why this workaround is here :
" If you want to mount a filesystem created with drakloop, load the cryptoloop module, or add the partition to /etc/fstab and reboot. During bootup, cryptoloop is automatically loaded if an encrypted partition is listed in fstab. "
You can still use drakloop to mount filesystem created with drakloop !