Wiki purpose
From Mandriva Community Wiki
Note that this is still a draft
This document outlines the purpose and organization of the Mandriva wiki.
Contents |
[edit] Scope
We are a commercial company called Mandriva. We develop a free / open-source software Linux-based operating system called Mandriva Linux. We use an open development process enabling people to contribute at almost every stage of the process (documentation, use cases, wishes, specs, code, build, packaging, support). We sell packaged solutions, support, training and consulting.
As a part of this project, we set up and provide an online set of tools, among which is this wiki. Its license is intended to ease the collaboration process between people and organizations, in order to help make the Mandriva operating system a useful, simple and powerful solution to everyone and to grow a sound ecosystem around it.
We used to have two official public wikis, on different platforms. There was one for Cooker, and one for the Mandriva Club. In 2006, we initiated a project to switch to a single platform and merge the contents of the two wikis under a new organizational scheme, and this is the result. It also incorporates an unofficial wiki which used to be hosted at
To help in this project, the web-discuss mailing-list was created. The wiki announcement email of the project is archived there.
We now have a common wiki platform meant to host all community-related matters:
- Development
- Basic information on Cooker
- Development-related policies
- Documentation on the build system
- Translation-related information
- Release information
- Release announcements for stable and development releases
- Release notes and Errata for stable and development releases
- User information, including guides for various topics and information on how Mandriva tools and systems work
- Usage: use cases and scenarios available, or to be implemented
- LUGs: communication/log/help area for user groups, on- and off-line
- Web development
[edit] Wiki localization
There are several localizations of the wiki, so people can collaborate in their native language if they prefer to. Technically, each zone is a separate mediawiki setup.
Note that at this point, only base languages are supported (for example, only fr - not fr-FR, fr-BE, fr-CH, fr-CA, etc). If there is enough momentum, we may open new ones.
[edit] Wiki managers
In order to ensure the wiki maintains its pace and consistency, managers for various areas were named at the beginning of 2007.
There is a manager (or a team of managers) for the whole wiki, and each localization has its own manager in charge of helping and directing contributors, and ensuring the consistency of its contents.
Managers' roles are:
- to ensure their area is properly set up
- to handle, and inform users about, content organization
- to keep in contact with other managers so they all have an idea of the wiki status, and can report to anyone
- for specialist content managers, to handle and keep up to date this content
- to follow the web-discuss mailing-list
Decisions about the wiki should be taken by the main managers, with input from others.
Current managers are:
- main managers: Nicolas Chipaux, Céline Harrand, Romain d'Alverny
- English wiki: Thierry Vignaud
- Finnish wiki: Anssi Hannula
- French wiki: Frédéric Cuif (Fredxx), Vincent Panel (yoho)
- German wiki: Wolfgang Bornath (wobo)
- Portuguese wiki: Marcos "Japa" Umino (
- Spanish wiki: Luis María Garcia Ruipérez (luismago)
We are currently looking for managers for the Japanese, Chinese and Polish wikis.
[edit] Infrastructure
This wiki is based on Mediawiki. It is maintained by the Mandriva IS team. Comments, suggestions, bugs should be reported to the Mandriva Bugzilla.