Ideas for Mandriva Linux 2007

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Ideas for Mandriva Linux 2007

List ideas to build the upcoming Mandriva Linux 2007 distribution. Add your bugzilla# for each idea to be able to discuss it if needed.


[edit] Bugzilla

Please consider using Bugzilla to file your feature requests instead of this page!

The benefits of using Bugzilla instead of this page should be clear:

  • Bugzilla is meant to track bugs as well as feature requests
  • Discussions on one topic are easily possible and visible in the cooker mailinglist
  • It is possible to vote for feature requests
  • It is possible to use Bugzilla to determine which features should be implemented for which release and track the status of them
  • If you want to see a list of all open feature requests, simply ask Bugzilla

Still, this Wiki page is useful to keep an overview of ideas that have been raised for the next release.

[edit] How to fill a suggestion into Bugzilla

  1. If you are not yet registered in bugzilla, create an account
  2. Log in
  3. Enter a new issue into Bugzilla
  4. In the distribution list, choose "Mandriva Cooker".
  5. Select the Mandriva Tool or the package the suggestion/idea is relating to.
  6. Select the version, the component and the architecture.
  7. In the Severity field, choose "enhancement".
  8. Put a clear summary and a description of your suggestion/idea.
  9. Click on "Commit"

[edit] General

Suggestion Author(s) Bugzilla Status
Handle nicely the case where your root partition is full VincentPanel Image:bug_small.png Bug #20666
UI Review on Mandriva tools FredericCrozat UI Review
Remove GTK1 and Gnome 1 from main CrispinBoylan Remove GTK1 done
A minimum livecd with kernel, basic KDE (kdebase and kdelibs only) , MCC and Xorg. PCLinuxOS 0.93 MiniME do that - 287MB AtHome Product line done
Samples folder on desktop a-la Kubuntu, allows new users to get a view of supported file types and also allows to communicate, such as presentation about distro, some kick-start guide, etc. Screenshot DoviX
Applications in menus should say what application does in human language since new users are not familiar with Linux applications, a-la Kubuntu Screenshot DoviX

[edit] Packaging

Suggestion Author(s) Bugzilla Status
Verify that if is called by clicking on a file, it does not fail (bug in 2006) StephaneT
Kerry Beagle Desktop Search AtHome done

[edit] Installation/DrakX

Suggestion Author(s) Bugzilla Status
Let the boot manager configure and find all of the other systems and add them to the boot menu Image:bug_small.png Bug #16604 not done
Configure automaticaly (or via sub menu) the "Subpixel smoothing" on LCD displays Image:bug_small.png Bug #20470
Summary screen : test sound card(s) VincentPanel Image:bug_small.png Bug #20683
Summary screen : test network installation and interface(s) VincentPanel Image:bug_small.png Bug #20684
Perform some of the steps during package installation VincentPanel Image:bug_small.png Bug #20685
Manage profiles flawlessly while updating packages (many programs don't handle this correctly) StephaneT no resolution
Installation should be didactic while copying files Image:bug_small.png Bug #21075

[edit] Boot

Suggestion Author(s) Bugzilla Status
Parallel init support Image:bug_small.png Bug #20381 done
Choose if restart from cdrom/dvd when the install disk is in Image:bug_small.png Bug #20411
Allow user to test CD and memory, as well as to boot from HD if forgotten in drive, a-la Kubuntu DoviX

[edit] System

Suggestion Author(s) Bugzilla Status
Separate shorewall logs from /var/log/syslog MatthieuDuchemin Image:bug_small.png Bug #20409
Suspend to disk and suspend to memory AtHome 2006 Release Notes done

[edit] File Systems

Suggestion Author(s) Bugzilla Status
NTFS write support : since 2.6.15 is supposed to fully support NTFS rw, incorporate it completely and publicise it StephaneT some progress but no real support :-(
include Reiser4 AtHome

[edit] Software

Suggestion Author(s) Bugzilla Status
More wizards user oriented: wizard to automatically update its configuration StephaneT not done
More wizards user oriented: wizard to automatically report unknown hardware StephaneT not done
More wizards enterprise-oriented: do some versioning on configuration files (for instance in case of an rpm upgrade, version it instead of only renaming it as .rpmnew StephaneT If i followed correctly, partial
Automatic bug report implementation in DrakBug (or another way) EmmanuelAndry Image:bug_small.png Bug #21578
Add a userfriendly way to selectively indicate what files to backup in drackbackup WimCoulier Image:bug_small.png Bug #20141
Konqueror pre-configured to simpler UI like Firefox a-la-Kubuntu Screenshot DoviX

[edit] Hardware

Suggestion Author(s) Bugzilla Status
Big problem with soundcard driver snd-hda-intel on Asus W6A AtHome Image:bug_small.png Bug #19962
Pay attention to USB webcams sound, to avoid sound not working at first boot (at least) StephaneT not done (will test it on beta3)
Support SD/MMC completely StephaneT OK
Support noencryption/WEP/WPA for WiFi cards done
Add support for Madwifi-ng drivers (for Atheros wireless chipsets) FabienGaurand Image:bug_small.png Bug #21273
Improve support of Wacom device by better integration of linuxwacom project software Image:bug_small.png Bug #20928
HP photosmart, Gimp-Print and The Gimp V2 AtHome Image:bug_small.png Bug #19071
Add support for rt61 drivers (for Ralink wireless chipsets) Image:bug_small.png Bug #22063
Automation of input into Hardware Compatibility List (HCL) WimCoulier Image:bug_small.png Bug #20177
More wizards user oriented: wizard to automatically report working configuration (with tweaks while needed : bios version, firmware level, etc) StephaneT Image:bug_small.png Bug #20177 not done
Support for the Belgian eID card WimCoulier Image:bug_small.png Bug #16824
Support for the Pinnacle AV/DV (and other Pinnacle video capture cards) [email protected] Image:bug_small.png Bug #16450

[edit] Desktop

Suggestion Author(s) Bugzilla Status
Switch KDE and Gnome to Avahi for mDNS/Zeroconf support.
Assigned to : OlivierBlin
Image:bug_small.png Bug #19659 done
Include XFCE at the same level as GNOME or KDE. Image:bug_small.png Bug #16731 not done
Rename file in konqueror without select extension by default like gnome do Image:bug_small.png Bug #17535 not done
Display all the partition in kde(media:/)/gnome(computer:/) and call drakdisk when we call partition who isn't configure. (Anyway I believe a better way to show devices should be use - AngeloNaselli) Image:bug_small.png Bug #17540 and Image:bug_small.png Bug #20329 won't do
Include XGL File Format Specification and more Software done
Pre-configured automatic actions e.g. when inserting audio disk a-la-Kubuntu Screenshot DoviX done

[edit] Server

Suggestion Author(s) Bugzilla Status
Include xorg sdk in a separate package Image:bug_small.png Bug #20516

[edit] Network

Suggestion Author(s) Bugzilla Status
The Network section of drakconf must be rethink
one gui for ADD/REMOVE/CHANGE network interface and one for alter miscealenous internet setting and set up proxy
by exemple for ADD/REMOV... two panel, one who list the interface with add and remove button, and the other who display the parameter and permit to change(if possible permit when we choose DCHP to switch between automatic or manual for IP and dns one for each, and in more add one page(tab) in for configure the ethx interface with a GUI for ethtool)
Do something for don't call more that one window of the network monitoring when we clic too much in the miniature case
in progress
Don't start the firewire card as an ethernet one if not asked for (do not configure it at all ?)
add the possibility to connect to a VPN (i.e. OpenVPN) with drakconnect Image:bug_small.png Bug #20945 done
Add a VPN netapplet Image:bug_small.png Bug #20949 done
Add a wizard in the MCC to set up an OpenVPN server Image:bug_small.png Bug #20948
Add a wizard in the MCC to set up the PKI (i.e. with easy-rsa) for the OpenVPN server Image:bug_small.png Bug #20948
Add a wizard for PAT/NAT configuration EmmanuelAndry Image:bug_small.png Bug #21108
Add in drakconnect network interfaces parameters such as MTU, duplex, speed and so on EmmanuelAndry Image:bug_small.png Bug #20471
Support for automatic attribution of IPv4LL adresses if no DHCP server was found Image:bug_small.png Bug #28288

[edit] Network Profiles

Suggestion Author(s) Bugzilla Status
Split profiles in 3 : system profile, network profile, service profile Image:bug_small.png Bug #15324
Have a real wizard and insert it at the right place Image:bug_small.png Bug #19350
Add shorewall config files to the list of managed config files VincentPanel Image:bug_small.png Bug #20534

[edit] Packages

Suggestion Author(s) Bugzilla Status
Drop kernel-2.6 provides for kernel and kernel (2.4) to kernel-2.4 since 2.6 is default kernel anyway and is mandatory for many tools) done
Include lvm2 on 2007 install CD GlenOgilvie Image:bug_small.png Bug #24658
Include VMware Player & VMware Server on 2007 - AtHome

[edit] RPMDrake

Suggestion Author(s) Bugzilla Status
Please integrate Smart and RPMDrake, or even replace RPMDrake by Smart and add the needed functionality to Smart. FrankKoester Image:bug_small.png Bug #19644 no plan to do this
Add dialog options for defining and editing rsync software sources in the rpmdrake GUI. Image:bug_small.png Bug #19572 done
Allow CD-ROM drive selection when installing/upgrading RPMs Image:bug_small.png Bug #19892
Use return to line in the display of dependancy, conflicts, etc...
Rework all this old gui who is unclear, heavy and annoying. (install/uninstall/update, too much popup and question for awlays ask the same thing, when we can centralise them in only one question, with if need some cheekbox, but don't stop all the install if some package have problem, install what it can be without dependancy problem in function of what have been initialy sectioned, less time lost).
Image:bug_small.png Bug #16079 in progress
Don't install/uninstall if question's pop up aren't close Image:bug_small.png Bug #16082
Add a package rpmdrake-rebuild which drags in enough dependencies to rebuild source RPMs, and an option to do so from rpmdrake (both arbitrary RPMs and stuff from URPMI trees) Image:bug_small.png Bug #20349 proposed
Simpler UI that will be friendly to new users Screenshot DoviX Image:bug_small.png Bug #23981 partial

[edit] DrakConf/DrakXTools

Suggestion Author(s) Bugzilla Status
Global support for virtual interfaces in DrakXTools : some tools require very few changes to support it VincentPanel Image:bug_small.png Bug #18844 and Image:bug_small.png Bug #18845
Mention the corresponding config files that may be changed by each tool Image:bug_small.png Bug #19809
Adding tool name in mcc Image:bug_small.png Bug #17731
Classify " service control start/stop " like in the installation Image:bug_small.png Bug #17536
Centralize the selection of default reader of protocols http:/, ftp:/, etc... who work with gtk, qt application and more(and not only one for one of them). Image:bug_small.png Bug #17539
Userdrake: provide a clear overview of default group membership when adding new users to various types of computer (i.e. desktop, multimedia, games, server...) at various msec levels DickGevers Image:bug_small.png Bug #21142 postpone
Please integrate the network interface wizards into one network interface wizard FrankKoester Image:bug_small.png Bug #21585 done
I would like to have a smart button in the software management section of the Mandrake Control Center. Maybe it is possible to add a seperate package like "draksmart.rpm" for this. If you support this, what about an rpmdrake-like integration into the mcc, that when the smart button gets clicked, the smart --gui interface fits like rpmdrake into the Drakconf window? FrankKoester Image:bug_small.png Bug #21587 tried it, does not look good (FrankKoester), edited the SPEC-file for smart menu entry (Image:bug_small.png Bug #15551), but the idea of a drakxtool to choose the default package manager sounds good (read comment #4 in Image:bug_small.png Bug #20509)
Add the possibility to execute PRE/POST commands with DrakBackup (for example: stop mysql before the backup and start it after it's done) EmmanuelAndry Image:bug_small.png Bug #20358
Set the console resolution also, when invoking xfdrake FundaWang Image:bug_small.png Bug #21769 not done
Create a GUI to succeed drakfloppy making it easy to generate a boot CD for current and other kernels available on the system (drakbootcd ?). DickGevers Image:bug_small.png Bug #15973
Better translation of the services (Screen) AtHome

[edit] URPMI

Suggestion Author(s) Bugzilla Status
Use multiple sources as dowloading targets in progress
Manage versions of configuration files as instead of only .rpmnew (useful for corporte commit/rollback) StephaneT not done
urpmi should execute ldconfig only once when install/uninstall rpms MatthieuDuchemin Image:bug_small.png Bug #21746 won't be done

[edit] Internationalization

Suggestion Author(s) Bugzilla Status
Allow the choice of locale from kdm: localedrake should be included in kdm Image:bug_small.png Bug #19989 maybe not
Use a better process for internationalization: web page for instance ? maybe not
Add some automatic verifications on the process (traductions consistencies for instance) StephaneT not done, but migration to svn ...
Allow more automatic procedure (for the moment, files are sent to maintainers, or directly corrected into the cvs) StephaneT migration to svn, more accounts, partly solved
Go to subversion (since the rest of cooker is going towards it) done

[edit] Release Procedure

Suggestion Author(s) Bugzilla Status
Set 'Service Packs' for club members (only ?) that will incorporate all updates (security, bugfixes, ...) that will allow a correction 'on-the-fly'

[edit] Mirrors

Suggestion Author(s) Bugzilla Status
Handle nicely the mdk->mdv change, if any one day StephaneT done!, mkrel does it.

[edit] Maintainer status

Suggestion Author(s) Bugzilla Status
Describe explicilty how contributers can be involved in the distribution: who can upload, what package and if only patch are allowed.
Have you seen this page: Maintainer Howto? (Dick Gevers)
StephaneT work in progress wiki reorganisation by the community

[edit] Documentation

Suggestion Author(s) Bugzilla Status
Describe explicitly how things work (see for instance the page Hotpluggable hardware and removable media handling) StephaneT some progress see for instance Xgl HowTo Mandriva 2006
Update and increase the Hardware page StephaneT some progress, a lot of more work needed

[edit] Security

Suggestion Author(s) Bugzilla Status
More Option to configure Firewall
Wizard Menu to configure Firewall (GUI or CLI)
Personal tools